>decide to play through entirety Ass Creed franchise cus fuck it
>played through 1 through 3, really loved the games for great story up until 3's trash ending, awesome historical settings, and fun gameplay
>play pirate game and its absolute kino, strongly redeemed franchise
>Liberation and Freedom Cry were suprisingly good games for being a PS Vita port and dlc made standalone
>Rogue was black flag in everything but story, really enjoyed it as well
>Unity big time switch up, overall I really liked it, especially weapon/armor custimzation and coop missions, but story and definitely ending was kinda ass
>Play Chronicles China and India, stopped there cus India tied in with Syndicate I heard so doing Russia after
>Get to Syndicate, hear how its worst in franchise and complete shit
>Go in expecting the worst, ready to suffer through main story and move on
>Get about halfway through and it might be my favorite game in the franchise by now
>Really enjoy everything about it from the setting, characters, story so far, weapons/gear/outfits, and the activities throughout the game are just fun
>Driving carriages through the streets like a madman with the horses smashing into things and shit is hillarious
>zipline is like spiderman and while requiring vast suspension of disbelief and trivializing any stealth or parkour, still is useful for moving around the huge vertical buildings and world and is fun to use, also seems almost always optional so far
I guess I'm the exception but Syndicate is one of my favorite Ass Creeds close behind Black Flag. Maybe my feelings will change like they did with 3 if the ending has the story get fucked but for now I'm having a blast with it. Even more excited to move on to Origins and Odyssey after this. Vikangz rumors got me hyped as well but have a while to go before I'd be ready to move on to it. General ass creed thread? game rankings, protagonist rankings, best historical settings, best potential future historical settings, etc.
Decide to play through entirety Ass Creed franchise cus fuck it
>S Tier
Black Flag, Rogue
>A Tier
Brotherhood, Revelations, 3
>B Tier
1, 2, Freedom Cry, Chronicles
>C Tier
>Unplayed Tier
Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey
Ezio > Edward > Haythem > Shay > Connor > Adawale > Altair > Aveline > Arno
(Chronicles and Origins/Odyssey unlisted)
Favorite world to explore was Black Flag just cus of the ship sailing around exploring. I really liked 3's wilderness though. Syndicate has my favorite city so far.
I forgot Unity, that goes in B Tier for me
I've played all of the PC games but I did not progress through Unity, Syndicate and Origins
I liked the AC2 trilogy the most because of the main character and story arc, but I Black Flag is also up there at the top
AC Odyssey has the best gameplay so far I think (I haven't finished it yet it's endless)
I particularity loved playing a muslim chasing Tamplares. Then english, then greeks.
II > Brotherhood > Syndicate > Black Fag > the rest
>zipline is like spiderman and while requiring vast suspension of disbelief and trivializing any stealth or parkour
All I needed to hear. Hard pass
>Reddit, the game
I played Odyssey this winter and absolutely loved it. Was even considering giving Syndicate/Unity a go, but watching couple gameplay videos killed all my interest - combat in them looks just as bad as it was back in first games and Black Flag, it feels like a QTE rather than actual gameplay.
But overall the game really reignited my interest in the series, I'll definitely play Origins sooner or later and upcoming Viking game might be great.
>Origins, Odyssey
More like not real Assassin's Creed games, we are just cashing in on the name tier.
You know I hate Assassin's Creed but I still bought 1 and 2 on PC despite already playing them on Xbox because you have to admit the games are good for history environment and city kino.
This, from a retrospective view the game wasnt as horrible as people made it out to be.
Syndicate is unironically the best in the series
The problem is that people disliked that it was just Unity but done properly and more fun
Well yeah, just like Black Flag. "Real" Assassin's Creed games are painfully bland and appeal of parkour shtick gets old quick.
I really wish they'd branch Origins/Odyssey kind of games into separate franchise because AC name in the title only hurts them. Modern day characters and illuminati bullshit just feels tacked on and ruins the pacing by sudden switches to literally whos after some major plot point.
>illuminati bullshit just feels tacked on and ruins the pacing
Literally the only thing that made the games stand out. Sticking to just historical shit with no bigger picture is boring. But I guess thats what simpletons want. Simplicity.
this has reminded me that I know nothing about Unity other than the shitstorm that erupted over its shitty performance at launch
>history is boring!
zoom zoom
Black flag was the first asscreed I dropped without finishing. I agree that the ship combat was sick, I loved going up against those big ass manowars but I didnt give a fuck about the characters and the amount of tailing missions felt way too high.
>new island
>tail dude
At launch the game was pretty bad. But I recently replayed it because I got it free due to the fact they gave it out after the Notre Dame burned down and after going through it again I actually really enjoyed the story and some aspects of it. I think the game had serious potential but was just rushed and was definitely lacking in areas.
The characters were some of the best in the series in my opinion
The missions were bland, but the characters and ship combat sold it for me
Evie is cute. CUTE!
I'm replaying the second game and it definitely towers on the rest big time. You can tell the game was done with passion.
AC went to shit when the SJW came in. Not joking. If you go back and watch the developer interviews of Brotherhood team, they ask one guy who is his favourite character in the multiplayer is and names some girl character. They ask him why and he's like "cuz she's pretty hot." You would never hear that these days. I'm not one for politics but you can clearly see the parallels between the money focus and political correctness of the games and the drop in quality and passion.
Missing the point as usual, small minder.
I am a story and atmosphere fag and I quit when there was an obvious changeover in the writing staff. 1 and the Ezio trilogy had for the most part the best writing. For 3 you could tell there was a drop in quality but it wasn't all gone, especially anything Haytham related. 4 was the last but the gameplay and setting where excellent it made up for it. Unity & Syndicate it was obvious all the original talent was gone or had no say, at Origins you could tell not a single writer was not mentally over the age of 30.
>hehe, titties good
>historical shit with no bigger picture is boring
What is it with your retards that you can't even remember what you fucking wrote just a few minutes ago? Do you just hit the keys on random hoping something resembling a sentence will come out or are you really that fucking afraid to admit that you wrote bullshit? Please tell me, retards like you are seemingly everywhere.
Brotherhoods ftw
Opp double negatived myself. Anyway I gave Unity the full go and hated the story/characters, can barely remember anything about it other then the excellent graphics. Syndicate broke me though, it was "I just got out of college and have zero life experience" tier writing, plus the grind was tedious.
Having low testosterone doesn't make you intelligent.
*cracks open a can of Monster*
>tail target while running around roofs
>fight guards by parrying every single one because it's so easy and there's no reason to fight them in any different way
>run after your target and pess X to kill
>Requiesta en Pace
>repeat 20 times until story ends
Yup, assassins creed 2 was a good game...
I get that Yas Forums is nostalgia-ridden echochamber, but lets not pretend that first AC games aged well. They're nothing but a product of their time, there's very little substance to them other than parkour and it's been done better in many games since.
The only thing that does AC style of "open world" parkour better that I can think of is Dying Light.