RE4 is one of the greatest video games ever made and I'm unbelievably hyped about the remake.

What are your:-


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I hope it wont get remade because even a slight deviation from the original in any direction would be like like taking a big fat shit on a perfect flawless game. That said I wish they would remake RE1 again since it's remake still utilizes garbage tank controls and static camera angles instead f superior OTS.

I'd hope they remake CVX first.
That one actually needs it.

Stupid decision, I'm keen but they need to do CV first because it's a story most people won't be familiar with. Just like 2 and 3, most players (i.e. zoomers) won't have played the original because shitty obsolete fixed camera angles, plus CV is more difficult I've heard.

>garbage tank controls
RE4 uses the same controls dumbass zoomer

Im expecting them to ruin everything that made the original game fun and add features that will drag it down, probably still gonna buy it.

no pantyshot
Ashley's ballistics nerfed
no "no way fag" scene

I love RE4 but it's not a perfect game. It drags during the Castle and Island sections.

I hope they expand on Saddlers Island. Maybe add some new BOW's in the labs. Also elaborate on The Bag

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I doubt they would, but I hope they get Paul Mercier back

>ending of game on hydrocycle
>Ashley still thirsty forLeon
>leon looks away
>"no way kid"

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If the original is so perfect why the hell would you be hype for a remake that can't possibly live up to it?

Just start with resident evil 8, and leave the past behind them,

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remake RE1? AGAIN?! jesus christ there are like how many remakes and remasters and or directors cuts of the game already?

Real talk.
The only re game I played was the second one on Ps1 back in the day.
Other horror game I played was dead space and I liked it.
I wanted to buy some "horror" game recently. Is Re4 remaster Is good, or should I go for something else?

If you're looking to be spooked while cornered by zombies (my favorite feeling from REmake 2 and Dead Space) you should know this game isn't spooky. It's off-putting at best.

If you were in the stream just now, I must apologize for having the timing be so off on that "NO WAY, FAG."

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watch them actually do this. a chinese spy wouldnt be wearing a sexy long red dress on a mission where seduction is 0% involved against literally everybody except Leon. high heels arent the best when it comes to doing spy work on roof tops or dirty island muddy envoronments or under churches with a bunch of wet rocks.
and those are ashley's common clothes

RE4 isn't a horror game. It's about as spooky as Dead Space 3.

RE2 Remake is probably closer in tone, although it has a few goofy moments.

Ada already has a more tacticool outfit in RE4 when playing her side story.

What about the re7 or evil within series?

Because they did a damn fine job on REmake 2. Literally replaced the original RE2 and maintains the same soul.

>inb4 muh cut kuntent

Fuck off.

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Just finished RE2 and 3

Do I play 4 on steam or Dolphin?

RE7 is good spooky but has a lot of puzzles and fetches a la classic RE and is first person. A big problem with RE 7 while scary, I never felt panicked.
I haven't seen much Evil Within, it always seemed campy to me.

Get the new Resident Evil 2. Trust me on this.

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Those are both pretty spooky.
I haven't played EW1, but two was good. Got way more action-y as the game progressed, though, and there's a focus on stealth that leaves you feeling more like a predator than prey a lot of the time.

RE7 was fine, I guess, but the lack of enemy variety and the somewhat goofy characters made me stop wanting to play about 3/4 through.


I really haven't been sleeping well thinking about the actor they're going to use for this guy in the RE engine. I don't know if I can handle what eventually comes out.
>As spooky as Dead space 3
The funny thing is, dead space was designed as "re4 in space"

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Is no one going to say it?

The game doesn't need a fucking remake.

They fucked up 3, I don't really give a shit about 4

Yeah they play very similar, but the tone is completely different - DS has no jokes whatsoever, where RE4 is probably more jokes than actual scares.

They'd have to redesign the levels to accommodate being able to move and shoot at the same time, though.

>What are your:-
Being able to properly filter all the threads that are about to come about it

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Resident Evil games have always been a little goofy.
Jill Valentine nearly gets crushed by ceiling spikes in the first game and what does she hear straight afterwards?
>You were nearly turned into a Jill sandwich!

where is the panty shot in the original?


>That said I wish they would remake RE1 again since it's remake still utilizes garbage tank controls and static camera angles instead f superior OTS
Here's your (you) fucking faggot.

Why are people 25 and younger allowed to have an opinion on this board?

Because I have zero interest in this series and it's being blown way out of proportions on how good it actually is. And I'd rather they worked on something new and interesting rather than rehashing almost evey single one of them decades later.

It already is the template, there's nowhere to go but down.

Kys boomer cuck.

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