HBO’s The Last of Us will focus on ‘climate change’ and ‘rape culture’

HBO’s The Last of Us will focus on ‘climate change’ and ‘rape culture’

>The Last of Us is getting the TV treatment and is currently in pre-production at HBO. An insider has reached out to us alleging that the new series will focus on some divisive political issues such as rape culture and climate change.

>A source close to production revealed that Ellie will be the main protagonist in a “heavily female focused plot.”

>“Ellie will be joined by her first girlfriend Riley, as well as Tess, Marlene, Maria,” the insider told us.

>Men, while some indirectly, will collectively play the part of the antagonist.

>“It was the action of the patriarchy — or rather ‘white men’ — that inadvertently destroyed the society they had built with the Cordyceps Brain Infection.”

>“Global warming caused the man-made CBI virus to rapidly evolve. It is actually naturally evolving to purify the air of carbon. This will be revealed through small flashbacks scenes which will gradually reveal more information as the series draws nearer to the finale.”

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Sounds a bit too pozzed and preachy for my tastes.

SJW won anons.....its done....

>HBO’s The Last of Us will focus on ‘climate change’ and ‘rape culture’

>Sounds a bit too pozzed and preachy for my tastes.

These titles are always overblown and made with the agenda to specifically get people NOT to watch it. I wouldnt be surprised if sites like these make these articles with the intent of making these articles after failing to receive some sort of bribe.

Fits the nu sony fanbase

They raped the message of the first game already.

Please be real.

sounds too stupid to be true but ill wait

Might as well be called women

But...It's the end of the world! Like, the world's filled with fucking zombies eating everything. Why does climate change and rape culture even MATTER? That's like asking if trans rights were an issue in the Walking Dead, where being eaten alive was a very likely occurrence.

I wouldn't be surprised


Source material is already pozzed shit for snoyboys, so I don't see the problem.

Uh huh so believable

They designed piss people off. And specifically cause members of outrage culture to make videos about talking about how SJW ruined video games and stuff, pissing more people (on other side too). Leading to articles and videos responding to those. Because formed this symbiotic outrage clickbait relationship

I just want a show about planet zombies, why can't it just be about planet zombies?

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There are some Dead Space movies, just watch those.

Wasn’t this game supposed to be about a zombie outbreak? How the fuck is climate change still an issue in a world with much less greenhouse gases?

ohnononono Yas Forumstard bros
the progressives are fucking us in the ass again
when will they make a conservatard game for us REEEE

People unironically believe Yas Forums isn't Yas Forumsv2.0

>North pole 'to be ice free during summers before 2050', scientists say

I'm glad everyones getting fucked right now. People deserve all the pain that is coming and so much more.

The original was already pretentious bulldhit wasn't it? Sorry, I've never actually played the last of us, I'm only going off what Yas Forums says

I'm sure it will be a great success, just like HBO's Watchmen

God I wish it'll have good ryona scenes.

I misspelled 'plant'

Boards and major investors aren't doing this to make profit, they are doing this to push agenda because they can afford it.

Not really. It was quite down to Earth story about survival and father figure protecting a young girl in post-apocalyptic world.
They started going apeshit in DLC by shoehorning Ellie into a lesbian and now are taking deep dive into wokeness with sequel.


Why wasn't it a movie, Yas Forums?

They're taking that shit seriously now?! Boy, sjw are massive brainlets, HBO truly lost its mojo. Also; Yas Forums

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>“It was the action of the patriarchy — or rather ‘white men’ — that inadvertently destroyed the society they had built with the Cordyceps Brain Infection.”
>“Global warming caused the man-made CBI virus to rapidly evolve"
>“Men are perceived as predators in the series, even the ‘nice ones’. The female protagonists often band together to avoid being left alone with men because ‘all men have the capability of abusing their powers and giving into their carnal desires’. Most of the girls have had some kind of traumatic experience with men.”

Is that satire or what?

*shakes fist*

I wish you GooberGabers and election tourist would get the fuck off my goddamn board

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Who cares? Just let them do what they fucking want, we don't like TLOU anyways. They know their audience.

Eh, compare it to Corona-chan and its accurate enough.
Go look up rates of domestic abuse after social distancing kicked in lol

No, no! They want to talk about farming!

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Of much of this is bullshit?