I'll start
Secretly top tier kino vidya
>ill start
Okay still waiting.
days gone is a diamond in the rough
literally the only thing i dont like is the framerate will just take a shit when riding the bike on base ps4
i wanna replay but im gonna wait for hopefully better framerate on ps5
Congrats on being filtered
enjoy your shitty ubisoft game
2019 bestseller worldwide after fifa and cod
For me? Its Death Stranding
Don't post Sony exclusives or else you're inviting 300 replies worth of salt and crying
Good game. Shit controls. Shit interface.
Holy fuck
> those textures
> those low-poly rocks
TFW this is what Snoys consider a flagship exclusive
Combat feels like absolute shit, everything else is okay.
Yeah, I really like it. Hope it gets ps5 boost treatment
Better than 95% of games out there
Did it to you? Melee felt nice, gun combat could be better, since most guns handle samey
How can you be filtered by a piss easy ubishit clone
why are nintentoddlers so obsessed with graphics and framerate when their console has the worst
I'm actually currently playing this, and the whole game is the definition of mediocre. It literally does nothing to set it apart from other third person open world shooter/survival/crafting games except the hordes which you're forced to avoid for 50% of the game anyway.
Literally doing anything in the game turns into a huge, tedious chore Want to clear out a Ripper camp?
>Go in and shoot them up.
>This attracts tons of annoying Swarmers so now you have to deal with them.
>Then waste time finding the enemy bunker and watching Deacon climb up and down the ladder for no reason.
>Get on bike to go to next mission
>Get attacked by Runners which you have to kill or they'll chase you to fucking infinity.
>Get surprised by enemy sniper and knocked off bike so now you have to deal with them
>Oh boy more Swarmers
Listen, I get that you want the world to feel dynamic and dangerous but fucking hell I just want to play the game and progress the story without having to go through tedious little battles every 2 minutes. This is not even including finding supplies for crafting, fueling the bike or repairing.
The gameplay is good, but again doesn't feel different than any other game of the same genre. The story is filled with bland plotines, uninteresting or one note characters and suffers so badly from the cinematic, "walk forward as people talk," gimmick. Usually I don't mind this, but in this game they use it so much it's fucking maddening.
Please tell me how anybody considers this a hidden gem? I just made it to the fourth encampment (with Kourie) and I'm really struggling to find the motivation to continue.
For only $30 Days Gone surprisingly good. Four words, belt fed machine guns. Gunning down hordes makes me feel like Rambo. The sequel needs to be next gen, double the size of the hordes and give me a 50 cal machine gun.
when is it coming to pc?
I wanna ride my comfy bike in 4K
Sam Witwer's acting desu, that's the selling point, and to a lesser extent, the VO direction for him. Sam Witwer, as much of a B-tier actor he is, he actually ACTS. He has lines where he's growling with such anger that his lines are barely intelligible, he actually YELLS his lines when you're on his bike in a way that would overcome the sound of the wind rushing past him (instead of them just mixing his lines up in post). He even snarls and acts vicious during combat, muttering run-on "yeahyoulikethatyoustupidfuckingsonofabitchfuck" lines that actually really make him feel like a real person.
He basically shows how much better having a real actor is over video game voice actors, he turns in a way more compelling performance than Troy Baker did in The Last of Us.
Genuinely enjoyed Days Gone. 8/10 from me. Few rough edges but otherwise extremely enjoyable.
Ace combat 7 (aside from lmao sandstorm lmao find rocket silo lmao canyon)
Sekiro. Although it Is not low key, but the epitomy of kino.
It's pretty obvious you didn't play it retard.
>cinematic, "walk forward as people talk," gimmick
That's what you complain about? Real human behavior? Meanwhile AAA companies can't even make their characters look human when standing still.
redpill me on this
>he actually YELLS his lines when you're on his bike in a way that would overcome the sound of the wind rushing past him (instead of them just mixing his lines up in post).
I liked that detail, how he delivers the lines differently when you're off the bike.
While I do agree with you on this (though sometimes Deacon's one liners feel really out of place and he just seems to be going insane and talking to himself), this doesn't actually improve the flow of the game or the gameplay in any meaningful way. It's nice to have good acting, but if the rest of the game is boring then why even bother?
Oh I get it this POPULAR GAME BAD
wow so clever op
In what fucking world is this kino?
What a hunk.