Why do women compete in separate e-Sports leagues?

Why do women compete in separate e-Sports leagues?

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smaller brains

sexism I think

to protect themselves from toxic males

none of the competative games I follow have gendered leagues

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name 3

they are biologically incapable of parity with men but feel entitled to the fame and money that comes with competition

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>no source
>women still get destroyed against men despite this

oh no no no

please look at the image again but very slowly. i know comprehending information is difficult for people who are not white.

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He thinks a higher reaction time is better.

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There is a female dota league?

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>20 years old women have the reaction time of 50 years old mnn

because they're shit and would be always last place in mixed leagues

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The same reason why we build little houses for dogs.


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because no one would take seriously someone which posts soft porn pics on instagram and sells her used panties, basically prostitutes have their own league, they never developed any real skill because they get carried in any game

but they don't there are women mixed with men in Tekken, Samsho, SF, CS:GO, DOTA 2 etc. etc. Those leagues are a scam.

Women just can't compete. I'm a foot taller then my wife and she weighs more then me, I still kicked her ass tonight no problem. No contest. She tried to use her weight on me and I just moved to the side and tossed her into the wall. Then I used my superior reach and speed to plummet her face. I recently got sick too and am probably running at 65% strength too.

>Vae victis
like pottery

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Because they lack necessary willpower and character to build the same amount of skill.

top kek

for attention

>incel misogeny hour

>would regularly play off-meta champions when facing the female squad
>still 0 win

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That smug, bitchy look on their faces...

God I hate modern women. Good they have gotten their asses handed to them, and good I have found myself a rather conservative, submissive wife. Perks of living in a catholic state.


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this can't be real, I need video evidence so I can laugh my ass out.

i fucking remember this

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>I'm a foot taller then my wife and she weighs more then me,
lmao marrying a fatty, what a fucking loser

>play off-meta champions to give the female team an advantage
>"receiving warnings for gender discrimination and a lack of sportsmanship"

You can't win.

>being sexist on 4Channel

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Imagine having to be one. Periods. Unequal pay despite equal performance. Falling in love with a guy more likely to be a narcissist than you. Having to submit in the real world constantly while media shows otherwise (lie). Having to meet crazy beauty standards and hearing men on the Internet put down every type of woman, including who you are on a daily basis. Having other women stab you in the back. Have everything be more expensive solely because it’s made for women. Wanting to have intercourse with an elementary school girl. Having men only be nice to you because they either want you to sleep with them or be their dog. Never having a female president to look up to.

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how to get gamer girl who doesn't shower pls giv me tips

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so basiclaly only men who moved out on their own and have already been working for 20 years to men who have already been retired for 10 years are the good citizens?

Why do they never learn?

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Yes. Society is literally carried on the backs of old white men.

lol no, is carried in the back of smart, young white men.
Old people are fucking useless.


How the fuck did you manage to become an even bigger insufferable faggot than them is beyond me, though.