Can we all agree that CRPG are unplayable?

can we all agree that CRPG are unplayable?

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for most people but autists love that shit

Yes. Turn based games as well.

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can we all agree that long hair with twintails is the cutest haircut?

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If you're a smoothbrain with ADD, yes.

autist here, can confirm
you need tons of imagination to fully enjoy them

Dumb Sataniaposter

damn satania looks like THAT?

baka anime poster

no. I love CRPGs where I can do a good guy play thorough and then do a second playthrough where I know the game better and be a dickbag who emotionally abuses my companions. Kingmaker is fucking great for this. I also like CRPGs like Original Sin that have in-depth world interactivity.

The only downside is that most modern CRPGS have stories/characters/music that are either meh or hot garbage.

No, just the new ones, and the cause is not interface clunkiness.

>just the new ones
*drops mic*

satania is so cool!
homosexuals gtfo

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I already said that the new ones are unplayable, what is your point?

btfoing you with facts and logic

Watch out guys, smoothbrained weeb just called us gay

We must flee

Look buddy, go eat your shit alone and stop bothering me.

wasn't trying to disrespect autists btw, just stating facts. it's the time commitment that puts me off.. which doesn't really make sense anyway cause I spend countless hours doing fuck all.
I just feel like if I want good writing, I'd prefer to read a book

can we all agree that Satania is a whore?

you keep replying to me so i guess you're jealous of people eating shit lol eww disgusting scat-fetishist

No. If you don't like them you're underage or stupid, or probably both.

>get Pathfinder:Kingmaker on recommendation
>no idea what I am doing
>get 8 hours in to first playthrough, literally unplayable I have built my character and companions all wrong
>restart 4 more times
>spend hours reading about builds, stats, feats, party composition and synergy
>get the rougelite infinite dungeon expansion to rapidly test and experiment with different builds and loadouts
>have fun doing it
>100 hours in-game, I understand how everything works now
>finally time to tackle the main campaign
>completely burnt out, no motivation to do so

She is purer than your mom.

>>spend hours reading about builds, stats, feats, party composition and synergy
Please don't do this.

Deadfire is pure trash. Kingmaker is so much better it's embarrassing.

>get 8 hours in to first playthrough, literally unplayable I have built my character and companions all wrong
>restart 4 more times
You're a fucking retard then. I mean the game fucking literally says "hey these feats will be good for your character" and "hey these feats will be shit for your character"

If you really want hax then get a decent rogue, grab the Heart of Ira from Varnhold, buy the cloak of shadows from the merchant in your capital and then watch as enemies drop dead from Heart of Ira's aoe without even knowing you're there.

>spend hours reading about builds, stats, feats, party composition and synergy
Rookie mistake, the issue with doing this is that most people are both dumb and wrong. Also you must've been doing some crazy stuff to make the game unplayable in a first run, assuming you aren't on the hardest difficulty. I would assume as long as you played with a party and kept everyone as their initial class it's pretty hard to mess up that bad.

>install kingmaker
>mod traveling and realm management to make it bearable and not suck horse dick
>timers are now reasonable and shit doesn’t explode in your face because your realm got on fire three different times while you were leveling an advisor
>can travel around and do shit in a reasonable manner
>you discover you are overleveled and steamroll everything because you were supposed be like level 8 almost endgame because you had to go around like a headless chicken putting out fires and not explore anything until that 3 years hiatus where nothing fucking happens
>you explored and did everything, so you have to manually advance 3 fucking years
Not even modding can fix this garbage game desing holy fuck.

my wife satania sure is cute

>I mean the game fucking literally says
You may as well just opt for the premade build setting in the level up screen if this is how you are approaching the game.

name a better CRPG

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>>get 8 hours in to first playthrough, literally unplayable I have built my character and companions all wrong
Why do people keep spreading this false narrative that crpgs can become unplayable if you build your character a certain way? No matter how 'wrong' you build your characters, you can always do things like attack, cast spells, use items, etc. Most crpgs also offer incredible leeway when it comes to builds.

You have to be pretty retarded to fail this hard.

>mod game to remove time limit that incentivizes you to play strategically

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Perhaps jrpgs might be more your speed?

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I want to intentionally fall victim to satania's pranks, then make a huge deal of it to make her feel bad and coax her into increasingly
lewd sexual favors!

fallout 1 & 2