What went wrong? Will there be Evo this year?
What went wrong? Will there be Evo this year?
>What went wrong?
shitty mechanics
I think the game is great. I'm having a lot of fun with it and learning about fighting games.
Aren't all the characters DLC, so you'd have to pay out the ass to get the full experience even on a sale? I haven't played a fighter since DoA 4, so was really hungry for one, but after I heard that somewhere I lost all interest.
Simplifying the game to sell to casuals doesn't work
>pay out the ass
for me, that's reversals that aren't reversal
This, as well as balancing the game to cater to esports
Okay, fair enough. But it's actually $50.
>What went wrong
>crush counters
>using ex for full invul dp's
>playing to stun your opponent
>characters are fun when they activate their VT's
Just to name a few, i could go on honestly
Plus whatever you pay for base game
no footsies
Even if there's an Evo nobody is going to give a flying fuck about anything but Marvel when it's only Americans
It's sold as a complete version at this point.
Get rid of V Triggers and just make it a part of their regular move list.
Granblue is the better street fighter
Nothing really. Fighters always take years to get good and SFV is quite good now. Don't bother responding if you actually play fighters in single player.
I can't speak as an expert of Street Fighter, all I know as a casual viewer is that SF5 is boring as fuck to watch.
I had more fun watching 20 minutes of Third Strike footage in the latest Cooperation Cup than I have in anything SF5 related in the past few years. I'd tune in to a SF5 top 8, get bored after a few minutes and go watch something else in the top 8 at that tournament like an anime fighter or 3D fighter.
Champion Edition is literally $30 for all characters, costumes, and stages.
woooo, I'm blind, never mind.
No different than buying a new version every year or two. That's just the cost of entry with fighting games. I prefer it this way, I'm not forced to waste money just to get balance patches.
I actually like playing SFV. It's not perfect, but it's fun. May V-trigger never make it's way into another game again. Off-topic, but how do you guys feel about Punch Planet? Was considering trying it out.
I don't get what people's problem is with V-triggers. I rarely if ever use them. Unless you're Karin it's not a big deal.
You either eat the costs with a vanilla version to be in on the ground floor from day one or you wait 5-6 years for the final revision with everything in it.
It's always been that way. The only difference now is that you'll always get rules, mechanic, and balance changes without having to buy a new version.
>I rarely if ever use them
bronzie much?
no elena
samsho is the best street fighter 5 tbqh
I play Sakura so unless I'm going for her biggest combo with the super ender it's not very useful. Can't speak for other characters.
why are people getting banned at evo?
it only took like what, 5 years?
I finally bought it at that price, and it's pretty good from my casual standpoint, but I think 4 was better overall.
>call someone a faggot/nigga
>can't play video games anymore
That asian tranny should've just said that he identifies as a trans-nigger and therefore it's okay for him to call people niggas.
Elena was the single worst thing to happen to SF4 so fuck her. So many "pocket" Elena that only existed to stall out rounds, utter fucking cancer.
news flash competitive players exploit scummy tactics to win, more at eleven.
>competitive players exploit scummy tactics to win
scummy competitive players, not real competitive players