ITT: video game characters missing their iconic features

ITT: video game characters missing their iconic features

Attached: Sacrilege the image.png (712x1118, 1.23M)

what is Pliskin missing?

i don't even know who the top left is supposed to be

I'm guessing these guys

Attached: SkullsSoldier.png (788x470, 329.23K)

see this smiley face? :)
watch this:

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Who is center right?

ok this is going too far

Gordon Ramsay

Fordin Greenman, protagonist of Life 2: Alyx

>If only y'all knew how bad things really were

Who's the guy on the middle left? I'm seriously genuine i don't know who he is.

The baldness and pokey shit on top-left's head reminds me of Python from Metal Gear Portable Ops.
Likely just a coincidence

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I was also wondering who the hell that guy is. The suit seems to be from Metal Gear series.

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Let's face it. MGSV isn't memorable despite selling 10 million copies.
Just fucking HOW???


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Kratos unironically looks intimidating as fuck without the beard

What is God of War missing?

Unfinished game
also Venom isn't Big Boss and there's nothing about Outer Heaven other than "oh, it exists. and Big Boss is building it, you get to see none of it. **** you."

He just looks like a meth addict now.

Cloud Strife with pink long hair.

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Tall Terrorist

>censoring yourself for no discernible reason
why user?

because it's funny? literally shut up you autist


He really looks old now

Yas Forums doesn't play video games

autism. I don't go to reddit and I dont talk like redditors
Otherwise I would


using spaces like this.

MGSV is cringe

okay reddit

It's not funny. Don't flatter yourself.

mgsv was huge in this board before and after release, if you literally can't recognize it it's because you're an underage newfag

His beard. Thats God of Onions Kratos

Attached: ikuwgt0xxs741.jpg (750x807, 47.36K)

OK whatever you say reddit


kys weeb

>you're an underage newfag because you didn't bother to play mgsv
lmfao, just neck yourself already

Who cares? Shit games get threads daily on this board. MGSV and also TPP are both shit games. Jump off a fucking building, loser.

So, pyro is a neanderthal?

>MGSV and also TPP
You just said TPP twice.

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missing the horse?

Pliskin doesn't wear a bandana tho

I played V and I can't remember that literally who because that game was shit.

No, a woman obviously

Looks badass

But that's just a theory

Sure he does. Pliskin is wearing a bandana while disguised as Solid Snake in the latter half of the game.

nah, he looks like the villain from Rescuers Down Under

i hate this