It's over for 7's original plot

>Cloud kills Sephiroth the first time
>Meteor is coming
>Jenova isn't an ancient but a calamity from the skies
>Cloud wasn't a SOLDIER

Even without the Whispers they've dropped the ball on the plot and given spoilers on half the game's most interesting twists and mysteries.

Attached: FFVII plot.png (1398x948, 2.12M)

>he still thinks it's a remake
keep crying bitch nigga

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Jenova was always an alien m8

I didn't say I wasn't going to keep crying?

how does he know he killed him in remake if he hasn't become unretarded yet?

Also Cloud wasn't even a Soldier in the pg and Jenova was already stated to be an alien

Huh? Cloud DID kill Sephiroth and he wasn’t in SOLDIER

In the Nibelheim incident, which is the first you learn something about what Jenova actually is, Sephiroth says that Jenova was dug out by Shinra in a geological expedition and used to "produce an ancient", which Sephiroth takes to be himself.

The implication is that those records thought Jenova was an ancient, so Sephiroth thinks Jenova is an ancient, so thinks himself an ancient, and this is all the player knows.

It's not revealed until later that Jenova comes from the skies and is actually an alien that destroyed the cetra.

I thought Sephiroth's stupid ass was the only one that thought Jenova was an ancient because he misinterpreted the books and lost his fucking mind.

Who knows. Probably they've changed it so when Cloud tells his story he's going to remember killing Sephiroth but not remember that he was a grunt.

The story won't end with Cloud and Sephiroth facing off but with Cloud throwing him in the lifestream. It's the only way he could know.

Yeah, exactly. But from the player's perspective we only hear Sephiroth's stupid ass misinterpretation.

Not until a good deal later in the game and long after Cloud's Nibelheim story do we get the true details. So it's another twist for the player.

But he doesn't know he killed Sephiroth and he wasn't a SOLDIER. Those are some of the big mysteries of the og plot. the Remake already told us those things.

Script from the original:

>Sephiroth... I trusted you...
>No, you're not the Sephiroth I used to know!
[Cloud and Sephiroth face off, and the screen goes white.]

>......and that's the end of my story.
>Wait a damn minute! Ain't there more?
>......I don't remember.
>What happened to Sephiroth?
>In terms of skill, I couldn't have killed him.
>Official records state Sephiroth is dead. I read it in the newspaper.
>Shinra, Inc. owns the paper, so you can't rely on that information.
>......I want to know the truth. I want to know what happened then.
>I challenged Sephiroth and lived. Why didn't he kill me?
>......I'm alive, too.
>Seems like a lot of this doesn't make sense.

>spoilers on half the game's most interesting twists and mysteries.

To the players who played the original. Not to the characters. To the characters it's all vague and without context.

>Cloud knowing he killed sephiroth
They literally spoiled the coolest moment in the entire game. Holy fucking shit this is worse than I thought

I forget. Why did Tifa let Cloud blather on nonsense like that again?

Yeah. They spoiled the coolest moment in FF7.
Welp. No skin off FF7R's back. Since it's not a remake.
Before you even start. It's as much of a remake as all those Neon Genesis Evangelion movies. Which happen to take place in some sort of time loop or some esoteric bullshit. Because those movies acknowledge that the events of the previous movies and TV show happened. Same shit happening here.

It's not an actual remake. That was the whole point of the ending. You're supposed to already know the whole story because it won't even be told in the sequels, instead the sequels will just be Nomura's playground in which he can play with the FFVII characters as if they were action figures. It's his fanfic. It's his new Kingdom Hearts.

Something something shy and reserved and her last name is literal

Because She didn't understand why he knew so much about what happened yet he never saw him there.
His retelling of the events were almost completely accurate but he wasn't the one who did it and he had more information from a different perspective because she didn't know he was actually there. So she questioned whether or not she remembered wrong or not.

She didn't want to risk fracturing his psyche like what happens later in the story.

shit i totally forgot he didnt know hes the one who killed sephiroth pre memory fix

>>Jenova isn't an ancient but a calamity from the skies
>>Cloud wasn't a SOLDIER
are you... are you retarded?

its just after Aerith's death that you learn what Jenova is I think? its been so very long

cloud was a grunt, he was never a part of SOLDIER

These and also, if you think about it, how does Tifa even know that her version is correct? There's nobody else to also contradict Cloud's story until Sephiroth finally does so in the North Crater in disc 2. For all she knows she's the one who's crazy. She could be fucking up Cloud's mind when she's the one who's wrong.

Watch how that part is retconned and the Jenova Corpus we've always seen is actually Patient Zero, an infected female Ancient who was the first to investigate the meteorite impact of North Crater, and Jenova wells were never anything but a mindless virus/parasite acting on instinct and taking over its hosts who retain their core personality.

>Revealing that Aerith might be fine with dying or even actively going for it BEFORE it happens


She kinda plays along because he was a blubbering mess when she found him. He only got himself together when he recognized her and clearly wasnt in the right state of mind. He knew the story but he had no right knowing since as far as Tifa remembered he wasnt there. Cloud always had those weird mental breaks randomly in the original and who knows how many times hes had that in front of tifa off screen. We can chalk her hazy memory up to her being on the brink of death when sephiroth sliced her.

Yeah, If I was nearly killed in an event and lost consciousness and everything, and someone else had a perfect first-person recollection of everything that had happened up until I was wounded so severely, I'd assume they were right even if I had no memory of them being there prior to the wounding.

Reminder to change Sound settings:
FX: 7
Speech: 7
Music: 10

Standard settings downplay the OST imo. Now the music hits like the OG.

I am not upset the game is not a remake, I am just pissed that Nomura will spread his cancer even more. He basically tricked people into buying his new Kingdom hearts since 3 didn't do too hot.

I expect a massive sales drop for the next entry.

I don't know about the fragile psyche bullshit. How the hell would Tifa know he was going through something like that until he got mind broken later?