Gentlemen, how do we stop turnip exchange and bring comfort back to our game?
Animal Crossing
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Do it once. I got 13m off my first exchange host. I'll never need money in this game again.
>I wouldn't dress up in a uniform at all since the host will just realize he's being raided then shut it down
yeah i agree, that why i suggested we don't even have to do this first to get in, it would get suspicious and looks like a raid immediately
if you got a wand you can just change into it when you already landed
here we go lads
>commie larpers turn into jews when given easy money
Why is the shell fountain so weird?
It's like offset by a quarter tile or something.
Island Owner : [to five visitors] The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my guard, and my maid here but only one of you! First one to talk gets to sell their turnips!
[grabs a sombrero]
Island Owner : Who leaked the code?
any custom tiles that look like lava?
>I'm in an OP screenshot
How blessed I feel.
Remember to keep space in your bags when doing this in case you can snipe something, I missed bells like a retard for this.
What does the recipe say its size is
Spam turnip exchange with fake prices, have people waste their time coming to your island for no reason
shit's fucked mate
1.5 tile items are absolute shit
they can't be pushed to a half tile spot
looks like a scammer who needs to be reported
Wouldn't it be a better idea to actually use the most popular traits in the game to raid so the hosts don't know what's genuine from the fake? Plus it would be fun to tarnish something popular with a scammer rep.
1.5 x 1.5
My autism cannot handle this. There is no way to centre it.
What do we do once we're in?
Has anyone made Corrado Soprano yet?
it's 1 1/2 spaces wide, so there's no way to perfectly center it
since you double niggers cannot decide on outfit/items
your mere presence is enough
>five anons all report a player for something immediately after all of them change into some variation of "isle's closed"
I can't help but feel that, if any sort of manual review of reports exists, this would be a dead giveaway
Honestly the whole thing sounds like a bad idea. Leave the outfit to Yas Forums islands.
Thread theme
Try to get past the guards, alternaitvely, slam that motherfucking - and leave island so everyone respawns at the airport and the host is forced to close.
craft more and double it to center them
Its not like habbo hotel where everyone had access to the full attire all the time, just have a color everyone could use.
Everyone dress in orange clothing
usually these reports are just short temp ban, they not gonna bother to manual review unless that faggot literally call nintendo to complain about us
Why did they make one of the only cool furniture items so fucking useless?
someone has to be on their phone to make that work, if all chat/phones aren't closed by the time the countdown finishes THEN the island gets crashed
This is why I only play the turnip market with the 4 or so IRL friends I have playing the game, I couldn't imagine subjecting myself to such faggotry.
>your crewman gulliver, whatever happened there
I'm getting out of the stonks game after I'm done upgrading my house. This whole song and dance has gotten exhausting.
Make them pay a fee before selling
Better idea, assign uniforms to a wand. Once all bros are in everyone changes and starts fucking around.
reposting this so other anons can appreciate water bug user's tits
>A turbo autist calling Nintendo to complain about how other autists rushed his island and retarded it up until he had to close down his turnip scheme
>In the middle of a pandemic no less
Fuck that's beautiful
Do it, brainlets will flock to the islands, as long as the entry fee is "low" to them.
Use a black theme with a mix of red or blue and the smug 3 mouth.
Props if user uses an after-school jacket with a pompadour.
that is the better idea
I would be her paypig
I got high blood pressure, the medication fucked with my head.
>big titty femanons? In MY Animal Crossing thread?
>It's more likely than you think
fences were a mistake.
please be a nice spike, i need a new incline
>Bunch of anons turns into banchous before making it annoying for eveyone
Able sisters can't open soon enough
Do this, make them pay a fee, then set up canvases in front of the shop that completely block it with something funny.
>the upgraded shop starts stocking more expensive shit
If the trend continues as more tiers of shop upgrades happen I hope they issue us an ATM card because having to haul sacks of cash around to buy furniture will be a pain in the ase.
Good googgly moogly's.
you cant see anything
Green seems like an obvious choice
>This one's island has after-school jackets for sale this week
I'm done island jumping until Wednesday, so I'll open my island for them banchou suits!
She got an amazon wishlist?
jesus tap dancing crhist they were in the first pic too
im on queue for someone who wants 500k in tips for a 422 bell turnip is this worth it