One will try to protect you

One will try to protect you.

The others will try to kill you.

Which monk do you choose, Yas Forums?

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I'll take the best bro.

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Sabin all the way baby.

Yang's apparently fucking unkillable based on what he survives in FF4, so him.

Sabin looks the toughest I guess

Can Zell lick my hotdog?

Heroes don't need plans



I don't really give a shit what happens after I just want Tifa

As far as I know none of these fags but one ever suplexed a motherfucking train.

This is basically Sabin vs Tifa and maybe Zell
convince me otherwise

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in order:
Infinite Limit Break Zell
Godhand Tifa

I shall entrust my life to Amarant, the Flaming Faggot.

The best one

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I might wanna give myself a bullet, right away.

I don't know about half of these guys, but I know Yang can hit everyone at once so probably him. Otherwise, Zell can do infinite Limit Breaks if his health is low, so drink a Hero Drink or whatever it's called at the right time and I can call it a day.

sabin who else of these niggers can SUPLEX A TRAIN

With that logic, Tifa can suplex a Kaiju.

Only dude with the balls to suplex an entire train

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Sabin has Fire Dance and Wind Slash
Tifa has Final Heaven

Snow is the best at actually defending people. Zell or Tifa could win if they start off fully charged. I don't think the others could take out the entire team while also defending you. Snow is the best choice if the attackers go first. Zell if he gets to go first in optimal conditions.

Motherfucker suplexed a train.

Snow is the worst character in XIII


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Sabin can shoot kamehameha blasts and suplexes trains for fun, everyone else is fucked.

Tif, she could lift a train with her pinky

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Sabin would slap the shit out of everyone in the room minus Yang.

Tifa suplexes a mountain.

Pretty much the DBGT of this scenario, already did it first.


>a stationary faggot and not a multi-ton object hurling at you with a huge amount of kinetic energy and momentum
Okay simp.

Was Diamond the biggest WEAPON the team fought?

for the love of god no

Isn't Ruby bigger?

Suplexes use momentum against the target. It moving fast actually makes it easier.

Maybe? I just wondered why people use Diamond over anything else.