Mario Maker 2 SnC

MM2 Final Major Update

Level Shill n Chill Thread while we wait for the update

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>calling it a final update when the game isn't even 1 years old
what did they mean by this

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Should I make all my levels in a world the same style for consistency or the same style for fun?

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Fuck I meant different style for fun

I'm not going to lie. The world maker is a fucking gamechanger. I will def be playing this.

Final Major Update. Could mean smaller updates will be made to the game, or its on Life Support with bug glitch fixes only... not sure yet.

Got any Levels to share though?

I do

8-2: Grape Soda Refinery 5KK-NVT-TYG

My most current stage, currently working on 8-3 which is about 2/3rds done.

Stoked for the Map feature, though I'm hoping we can have more than one game if the cap is 40 stages per game, the one I'm working on now is gonna be at least 50.

You can go either way, the first 5 worlds in my series are all each respective game type but world 6 onwards the game type changes with each level. If you do different styles you can still make the world feel consistent if the central theme or environments are the same, like all ice or what have you.

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Try this one of mine:

The Scary Tower
ID: S4M-30P-7WG


Pipe Boom Trilogy


I'd appreciate it if you play my music level, I based it on my favorite childhood movie. Also, I have 7 other levels that are based on speedrunning and puzzle solving, if you like that sort of stuff.

>final major update
And no new mario games modes to make out of it?
What was the point of making that new tab if they weren't going to fucking do anything with it?

4L2-JT4 -15G
Traditional SMB 3 course with secret ending path
I actually thought this was one of my better levels, but my like ration indicates otherwise.

ratio not ration*

They made that mode to put in the 3D World style.

The main development team for this game has long since left to make more games. I doubt more than a group of 10 people were working on this over the last dew months, so obviously they're stopping.

Then why make it a whole tab for 3d world? Just add it to the rest.

Guess it’s time to get back to working on my levels. Made this one a while back but I’ve been waiting for the next update ever since then to continue.

3-1 Swingchomp Island Cliffsides

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Because of compatibility issues.

>phanto key
Holy shit that alone unlocks tons of ideas for levels I can finally create

Really enjoyable level man. Hearted it, fish spam on the rising parts got me a few times, but really fun.

Holy shit, theres a lot. They didn't even think to mention the ON/OFF BLOCKS IN 3D WORLD THEME. Though I'm so happy theres new powerups for every theme, I was worried about all the SMB1 exclusive power ups. Also world maker is fucking crazy, this was one of those too good to be true features, alongside the koopalings.

Hearting Scary Tower... that was intense...

Trying Pipe Boom now.

Pipe Boom took me forever on that Goomba part... great level!

This level is awesome... how much time did it take to make?

>source: my ass

In the video they say it's the last major update. You can quibble about there being minor updates after, I suppose, but what's a minor update going to look like? Glitch fixes, probably.

>literally says Final Major Update in the Offical Nintendo Youtube Video

How does it feel to be illiterate and deaf?

>hurr durr source my ass

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Why was all the footage of World Maker in SMW style? They wouldn't not let you make world maps in other styles, would they?

I don't think we'll get SM3 style worlds, man. They're clearly going for SMW only.

I haven't made any courses in forever, might make a music one soon though.


How does it feel to get btfo so bad

I hope you're wrong, but I fear you're right. Great feature, but damn if it's not a shame they couldn't have thrown together overworld assets for the other styles (assuming they just didn't show any, for whatever reason, unlikely as that is).

World Record! For now... really enjoyed the classic level feel you were going for.

Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

Yeah, it would be neat. I'd much prefer to do it all in SMW3 because that's the style I love, but whatever. It's still cool and makes me want to get back into the game. I'm not sure I've got 40 ideas, but damn it, I'll try.