Should you use a walkthrough on your first playthrough? Some games I feel like you'll miss out on too much if you don't

Should you use a walkthrough on your first playthrough? Some games I feel like you'll miss out on too much if you don't

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nope walkthroughs and 100% guides are reserved for second playthroughs only

Ranges from game to game

FF9 primarily has missables that are due to synthing requiring ingredients that are no longer available.

See: which is all things considered a pretty short list of missables.

In contrast, something like Tales of the Abyss literally everything is missable.

The chocobo digging shit as well as friendly monsters are impossible without a guide

Are they missable though? I feel like if it's something you can go back and collect on disc 4, it's fine.

FF9 has an autistically high amount of stuff you can only get at one point in the game and if you go past it then its permanently gone.

I cant think of a single one that really matters though. You can get all the important stuff by just playing normally and being observant. Even stealing is pretty unnecessary.

Just do not sell any equipment because a lot of stuff is used for synthesizing later on. If you visit a shop try to get at least one of every equipment.

If you arent fighting the optional super boss, the game is pretty easy and Im pretty sure you can beat it without all the best abilities.

Chocobo digging isn't missable and it's not like you need the rewards from it. Probably better to save it for the end.

No, but it's literally not possible to do without information held outside the game


Playing through a game knowing I'm not being optimal gives me an aneurysm

Then use a guide and fuck Yas Forums and anyone else who gives you shit for it.
People need to enjoy games for themselves and not the way an internet hivemind says they should.

I think its always best to play blind, and only resort to guides if you get stuck somewhere.

If you plan on trying to get everything in FFIX on a first playthrough, good fucking luck because you need to speedrun the game in under 12 hours for the best sword in the game.

Another big *need a guide* title is radiata stories.
Fun mind you, but good lord fuck trying to figure out how to complete your collection/runthrough without it.

>you need to speedrun the game in under 12 hours for the best sword in the game
Speaking of which, make sure you're not playing the PAL version because it actually fucks up the time limit to make it much harder, IIRC it functionally changes it to a 9 hour time window.

Yeah, hell even in the 12 hour time window, going for 100% is so strict that you'll need to even open the disc tray at key points in order to skip FMVs just to save those precious few minutes of time.

Its definitely one of the hardest games to ever get 100% completion in, shit's damn near impossible.

play the game however you want to play it, user

To give OP an idea of just how strict. Without skipping FMVs, it took a 100% TAS of the game 11h 59m 57s in order to grab Excalibur II. A fucking TAS had only 3 seconds to spare, so basically without skipping FMVs, it is humanely impossible to 100% the game.

>If you plan on trying to get everything in FFIX on a first playthrough, good fucking luck because you need to speedrun the game in under 12 hours for the best sword in the game.

There's a mod you can install for the PC version that makes it so you can either speedrun OR pick up all treasures. It makes the game much more enjoyable.

Yeah you actually want to buy the official guide for this one

Why are you blatantly posting misinformation? the RTA speedruns are barely over 9 hours (after considering load times) and no cutscenes are skipped.

tfw I never managed to win the jumping rope at the begining of the game even though I tried for hours as a kid

Those are any% speedruns. Not 100% runs.

oh I'm retarded

I used the all achievements guide on Steam for this game... It just lists all the points where you can miss stuff and doesn't have a bunch of shit telling you how to play the game.

Very specific guides purely about missable items maybe, full walkthrough? no.

FFIX has a handful of missable items that are mainly for letting you do certain things or beefing up your skill set early. Most side quests can be caught up to in the last "free roam" segment of the game. Just steal from every boss, stop at every location, and talk to every moogle for mognet.

The only truly missable quest/items, if my memory is correct, are related to an optional ranking(2 quests and and few items exclusive to visiting auctions at certain times) and an unnecessarily powerful hidden weapon only obtainable late game.

Blind playthroughs are the only way to feel like you're accomplishing something, save guides for either when you're absolutely stuck or for second-playthroughs if you're a completionist.

>Blind playthroughs are the only way to feel
for you

It's okay to miss things on your first playthrough, zoomer


I recommend not using the walk thought the first time. Although I do cave in sometimes if I have spent a few hours trying to get past one point. Some obstacles won't move even if you are max level and spend hours exploring.

HOW THE F***!!!, was I to know the only way to beat the boss was to give him a jar of honey? The jar of honey looked like a trivial side quest. Game play ruined with max statues and level halfway through after grinding too much trying to beat an invincible boss. One hit kill everything second half of game with starting equipment, challenge ruined.

Your biggest mistake is to think that being "optimal" means missing nothing. Usually 80%+ of the side stuff is meaningless to an optimised playthrough. You're just afraid of not seeing everything possible in 1 run, which is a childish fear.

I didn't went to Daguerro at some point in disc 2 which cucked me out of the best elemental magic, because equipment that has them is not sold there anymore in disc 3.

>which is a childish fear

Are you talking about Earthbound? I also spent an unholy amount of time grinding to beat Master Belch when I was a kid.

you should NEVER use a walkthrough faggot
How the fuck did I do them at age 10 without help then?

You did them 100%