Post em

Post em

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i will once someone posts a PNG template

1. Springman
2. Travis
3. Dante
4. Master Chief
5. Rillaboom (a pokemon is coming, whether you like it or not)
6. Waluigi

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>Max Brass
Not bad.

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Crash Bandicoot
Travis Touchdown
Starman (Pro-Wrestling)

honestly this prediction sheet is super half assed and I need to redo it.

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>Max Brass
>James Bond

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Why do you guys like Ryu Hayabusa so much?

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I didn't liked the way how I wrote. sue me.


Geno is cool looking. He's a magical star spirit residing within the dangerous wooden toy of a child. A Mario-style take on Final Fantasy elements that resulted in a pretty unique character.


He's got rocket punches, various types of gun arms, light beams, stat boosts, energy storms, magic disks, and he can even turn into a cannon to launch his true form, which goes supernova for an attack. His disposition is very casual, he has a strong noble personality, but he's also rather sentimental and he's prone to cartoonishly emotional outbursts in the face of adversity. That would be fun to see that depicted through Smash.


Geno puts everything together through the quest to restore Star Road. He establishes and drives the most important and most basic part of the mission behind the game. Super Mario RPG had great characters, aesthetics, sound design, and ideas, all of which could be represented through Geno. Believe me, Super Mario RPG is a very unique game and it's worth representing what it had to offer in more games.



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Nobody knowsa bout him.



All aboard the never ever wagon! Next stop: disappointment.

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Nobody here doesn't know who Geno is and you'll probably never forget him.

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This is the level patternfags have descended to, huh?

All based.

Everyone is still expecting the $25 mii costume to become a fully fledged character, user.

Geno will be a premium mii costume just like Sans and Cuphead. Lloyd and Chocobo will be paired up as the JRPG mii costumes, Heihachi and Gil will still be mii costumes, and the Monster Hunter mii costumes will be in the game as well.

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I swear to god if GENO gets into smash i'm going to destroy my switch and never buy another nintendo product again
I would rather take anybody over him.
Sakurai please don't fuck it up PLEASE DON'T FUCKING ADD GENO INTO SMASH

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He at least deserves another Mii Costume

Probably characters literally nobody except boomer knows and maybe some FE characters.

We're getting another FE lord anyway.


we already know it's belial on the first one
idk about the last ones

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I'll play that fucking FE lord and main him/her if it takes geno's slot away

Great fuckin taste desu

>if it takes geno's slot away
He's already a sticker, user.

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the thing that scares me the most is that he actually has a chance now that the Arms rep might be a AT/Spirit
I swear to fucking god if Springman/Ribbon girl gets in i'm done

Given how hard Xenoblade is being shilled he wouldn’t be out of left field at all.

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Geno has been Co-Oped by Discordfaggots.
Will leak more soon
Noticed how strange they've been?

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>Comparing a third party character tied to the company that's almost impossible to work and probably satisfied getting their iconic franchises in smash to first party characters who Nintendo owns themselves
I think you need to step out of roster threads for a while.

My list would have Chun-Li in it, because at this point, Chun-Li is basically confirmed!

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I just hate the idea that he actually has a shot.
I wish that the one franchise per developer rule is real.

Fuck off Gorilla Discordtranny Nigger,
I can tear you in half you fucking gorrila nigger

I get it's a big meme but I'm afraid that Sakurai might cave in

Highly Likely Tier

> Somebody from ARMS
> A Pokemon from SwSh

Possible Tier

> Travis Touchdown
> Bomberman
> PS1 Sony platformer mascot (Crash, Spyro)
> Some Jap shit you've never heard of

Unlikely but Plausible Tier

> PS2 Sony platformer mascot (Ratcher & Clank, Sly Cooper, Jak & Daxter)
> Midna riding Wolf-Link
> Waluigi
> Dante
> Sora
> Overwatch character, probably Tracer
> Viewtiful Joe

Not Happening Tier

> Doomguy
> Geno
> Zero
> Skull Kid
> Another Final Fantasy Character
> Mach Rider

"Nintendo is stupid enough to actually do it" tier

> Another Fire Emblem character
> BOTW-Link as his own character (ice block, glider, etc.)
> Some minor Mario rando nobody wants, like Monty Mole
> Tom Nook or somebody else from AC
> Ghirahim

Please tell me what would a bunch a middle aged Japanese business men benefit from a one-shot character who's only real demand is from the echo chamber of smashboards smellies and forum dwellers? Remember, Nintendo is picking the DLC, not sakurai.

What i'm trying to say is that they might cave in to the demand for him.
And yes i'm well aware that Nintendo is picking the DLC.
Youtubers like Arlo and others want him.