And Yas Forumss game of the absolute decade of 2010-2020 goes to:
And Yas Forumss game of the absolute decade of 2010-2020 goes to:
Super Mario Bros 2 babeeee
Have to agree, it truly is the best game.
Heavy Rain
Dark Souls 2
Sonic mania
Dark Souls 2 indeed
Vanilla or SOTFS?
Dark Souls 2
fucking based
also based
Dark Souls 2 > SOTFS > Vanilla > Final Mix = Final Remix > Complete Edition v2.0
I uninstalled it today after beating the looking Glass knight. I don't know how much further I have to go, and I don't care. I loved it until the lost sinner, and hated it after.
More like game of the century, i doubt it's getting topped anytime soon.
I honestly cant tell what is shitposting or not about this game. Things have become clouded.
Some of both
Dark Souls
Portal 2
New Vegas
Breath of the Wild
apex cringe
Divinity Original Sin 2 or Underrail
Probably Underrail
A true patrician
>decade of 2010-2020
Yas Forums spends so long hating good games that now they have to love bad games to balance things out.
Unironically a lot of hate is irrational and just a lot of people parroting some eceleb. And I bet a lot of people don't even know they are parroting an eceleb since it was years ago when said eceleb made his "critique" video with his garbage hot take and somehow he managed to forever ruin most DS2 discussion.
The game is ass but Yas Forums has ass taste so they love them some shitty games.
DS2 is a mediocre game that tries to do cool stuff but fails at it's execution, still worth a run but not a good game per see, it is just "ok" and could fall as an acquired taste.
It was further cemented by a couple other seething ecelebs making laughable response videos "taking down" matthewmatosis's.
That’s not ratchet and clank