Splatoon did it

>Splatoon did it
>ARMS did it
>Mario Maker 2 did it
>Now Animal Crossing is doing it

Nintendo really needs to stop cutting content from the base game and drip feeding it as "updates".

It was somewhat understandable for Splatoon since it was a new IP that they wanted to keep people interested in, but it's gotten too obvious now and they've started doing it for established franchises that don't need it.

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Forgot Mario Tennis Aces

who the fuck cares

Japanese coffee shops dude. Every one bow to the Splatoon director.

>release everything at once
>people burn through the content in one or two months
>interest dies

Who gives a fuck if it's free?

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>final major update
Damn that game isn't even a year old

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I'll give you Animal Crossing

But Splatoon, ARMS, and Mario Maker were complete packages at launch the free post release content is just a bonus

It's free. The only paid updates are significant chunks of new stuff, BotW and Xenoblade 2 are great examples.

Wait one small correction on MM2. Not having online multiplayer with friends was something they really should have needed at launch. Other than that my point stands.

That's it? No mario 2?

Animal Crossing is the first series this has happened to that actually makes sense.

>cutting content
So you're saying that they delayed Animal Crossing by a year only to cut a bunch content out?
Ok, user.

It being free isn't an excuse. It's content that had no reason not to be in the game at launch.

Animal Crossing has been datamined and all of the "updates" are just shit that was in New Leaf from the start.

Get a life you ADD loser. Some of us enjoy the slow burn and don't have the neetbux to stay home and play vidya all day and night

>Earth Day is in less than 24 hours
Isn't there usually an event for this holiday? Where is the announcement for a forthcoming patch?

I see you fell for the patch in in later meme too :\

I purposely avoided news and preordered for animal crossing because i didn't ecpect them to do this shit, but fuck me now i'm stuck with 60 dolar demo untill my game i payed for is patched in a year from now.

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Animal Crossing is way more of a complete package at launch than either Splatoon was.

They're not even updates, they add nothing new. All of the content is already in the game, it just isn't accessible until Nintendo decides to make it so.

I guess I missed where New Leaf had multiple bush types and vegetables/cooking

>source: my ass

> splatoon
> cut content from the base game

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But when the post launch new weapons in splatoon 2 were data mined they were unfinished messes, same with most of the other data mined content in 2. The point stands for 1 though.

You have to cut development at some point. If you just keep development going because you keep coming up with more neat ideas then games will literally never release or end up in development for like 5 years.

Let me add on, cause I know some retard will go "what's wrong with that?"

Games can't just stay in development for companies like Nintendo. The team has to move on and make OTHER games at some point.

They objectively did. There are a shitton of files in the game that wouldn't be there if they hadn't started work on the features and then scrapped them.

Without the team moving on to make OTHER games we'd never have gotten Splatoon, they'd have kept at updates for New Leaf through the release of New Horizons.


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Oh right, THAT. I guess it makes sense you'd think that stuff was "cut", even if all the datamining proves is that it was rendered, not playtested or anything.

>Major Mario Maker 2 update

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Oh wait.


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You can turn into Mario 2 mario with the next update.

More like it was part of single player but not online. It was even marketed as the first update

can you show me the rom data that says all the new mm2 stuff is cut content? i've already seen the animal crossing one.

Why do idiots insist them putting out high quality full updates on a less frequent basis is somehow less than if they put out tiny updates regularly that all added up to the same fucking size as this update? Are they retarded?

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Ah yes, the singleplayer campaign, lauded for its exact mirroring of multiplayer balance.

>moving the goalpost

>Are they retarded?
Where do you think you are?

> they may have existed in some form but they weren't balanced such that it'd be fair to put them in multiplayer
> but it's in singleplayer
> being in singleplayer doesn't mean it was fair to just drop them in multiplayer
> lol you moved the goalposts

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Things being referenced in the code isn't the same as them actually being there you fucking moron. Switch hacking is a thing, do you really think these things wouldn't have been hacked in already if they were already in the game?

Not that guy, but that still counts, dumbass. You literally did move the goalposts to be just about multiplayer rather than the entire game itself.

>splatoon did it
Somewhat accurate, it was intentional, the content was already on disc, but the whole point of the game is a slow burn, probably a lesson learned from Animal Crossing
>arms did it
Developed post release except Max Brass.
>mario maker 2 did it
Not true
>animal crossing is doing it
Intentional design choice like Splatoon, although this one is actually wrong because the game isn't primarily multiplayer.
All the content was free too.

When did adding in new features later on in a game's life become withholding content to arbitrarily release later instead? Is this really what Yas Forums thinks?

It's pretty lame but at least it's not like they're making us pay extra for content that should be in the base game like they did with LM3. With the games you listed, at least they gave us that stuff for free

Forgot Kirby

animal crossing was literally designed as a slow drip feed of content tho. These updates fuck over time travelers too, which makes them based

Mario Tennis Aces was easily the worst offender, followed by Kirby Star Allies.

so you are telling me that after 3 years you just opened your eyes?

literally 98% of the switch library is rushed, it's literally obvious and the fact that Pokemon did it and they still sold the content was disgusting

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Get back in your cagie

based get cucked pirates

Multiple bushes were a thing, but vegetables and cooking are new.

>I'm now old enough to see Yas Forums fall for the games-as-a-service meme
Imagine actually believing that developers are putting 100% of their effort into releases and then making new stuff for free out of the goodness of their hearts.

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well in comparison the original MM got a lot of actually new content and that was a Wii U game

if it works for GTA, it can work for anything. DLC is the future when it comes to profits.

>cutting content
More likely devs didn't finish it in time because they were lazy and have to finish after release.

>These updates fuck over time travelers too
They literally don't.
Time travellers are better off than ever in this game due to how shit the base game is and how much they're making you wait while they drip feed you
>Want to redesign town
>Want to move buildings
>Time travelers done in an hour and get to enjoy their new design
>Waitfags have to wait a day for every single building they move, if there's a building already there placed awkwardly, they have to spend an extra day moving that one first


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God, what a shame to have a game give you all the content at once in this age of every game having an arbitrary 2 year life-cycle.