"May God give me direction"
"May God give me direction"
wtf is this racist shit
>NES mario
>ps3 controller
Literally Yas Forums
Zoomers btfo. Classic designs and concepts are timeless.
Fuck Tribal culture i'm Pakistani and tribal culture is the most retarded shit ever so much inbreeding bullcrap i'm glad I never married my cousin and got the fuck away from my family
filtered by bing bing wahoo
Wtf is Ludo
inb4 lurk moar, i've seen it a bunch and each time nobody ever explained what it was
>in my childhood we used to wrestle each other to ground
video game version of kino
Fuck You!
Was she hot
>PS3 controller
>stretched widescreen
>Mario 1
>tribal culture is the most retarded shit ever so much inbreeding bullcrap
that's pretty much every pre-industrial society
>ps3 controller
You sure aren't bright.
>tfw you'll never play the ancient game of "bury the thing in the hole" which Mario ripped off
>ywn play the Ancient Game
Would give the girl in the white outbreeding depression
Someone playing vidya for the first time would be impressed by anything.
it's multiculturalism, you Drumpftard!
That channel just feels weird.
It's called having sex
Why does the cynic in me refuse to believe the authenticity of these people? Like they're just a bunch of Indians dressed up pretending to be retarded and not know Super Mario. Most of them picked it up way too quickly. If you've ever handed a controller (let alone one with THAT many buttons compared to the real NES controller) and said play this to an actual old person who never played video games, they wouldn't even know how to jump or walk nevermind making it through half the level. I just can't trust these people and this channel.
I'll take the one in pink. Let's go save them from their village.
Imagine if they gave them a random modern game, what a headache it would be to get them past the tutorial even
>for the first time
>guy says he played it as a kid and knows what the mushroom does
I wrote a blog post about why I hate non-eroge
Still probably do at least as well as the journalists reviewing it.
>i'm glad I never married my cousin
absolutely homosexual
The first video game I ever played or was ever exposed to as video games as a concept existing was Super Mario Bros. and I picked it up within minutes. It's really not that complex to grasp. Fucking 3 year olds play video games now.
It's one of the most braindead easiest hobbies to pick up in the world.
Wish I could find a cute tribal gf and show her old games...
Couldn't agree more.
My thoughts exactly
>Shitty Controller
>It must be a PS3 controller
Noooooo, not because it’s shitty ir doesn’t mean Is a PS controller!!! Delete your post right NOW!!!
I was a reporter on a peacekeeping mission to Kashmir last year as the ethnic tensions were ramping up, and a village elder let me play it for a little while. It was pretty good, maybe an 8/10, but the villagers revered it as holy because they didn't have more modern games for a frame of reference.
the guy with the brown shirt and white turban is based
I love how that one dude went full let's play commentary mode and he also really fucking loved rygar.