Random teammate does worst

>random teammate does worst
>yells in the mic calling you terrible

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if it's a team game though the entire is to blame not just one guy, you all could have done better

>'trash ass kid go back to fortnite'
we all only had one kill and after that i never opened up this shit game again.

>get higher score
>more kills
>guy on mic still yelling at you

I quit early when the team is losing so I can get on a team that will win

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>looting together with a teammate
>proceeds to split off from the group and dies

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So your that guy

I know that feel. Why is that the thing to say now?

>>random teammate does worst
>>yells in the mic calling you terrible
>>we're playing fucking minecraft
Bruh, don't dig straight down. It's not my fault you died in lava

First for Wattson!

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People still play this?

not really
there are retards who strays from group and dies

this was said to me on the second day the game was out, i guess people never changed.

I recently reinstalled after getting bored fo warzone. Happy to see they didn't totally fuck up the gameplay with new champs. Pathfinder is still the best.

I do once in a while. I burn myself out on being shit at fighting games and fps and just need some chill time.

His skill is way to good. Theres no way to make him bad. unless you make him have no health

You guys wanna play?

I love her

no i suck, thanks for the offer though

any one else hate the challenges? Feels like I'm doing work.

Dance, puppet dance. Keep those play hours up

user pls. I just enjoy fast pace shooters.

Wanna play?


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Just got done playing.

Best costume so far. lifeline will never get a good one.

Lifeline looks like she has downs

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she just ugly

Skill based matchmaking killed this game. I have a friend who is plays way more and is way better than me and I literally cant play with him because every time I do, it's a lobby of all predators that rape me.

>ping level 4 evo shield
>it's not charged
>grab their body shield and throw it off a cliff

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Is this for casual matches too?

Yep. Ranked and non ranked have skill based matchmaking, its awful.

>Win 3 matches in a row stoned out of my mind last night
>Wake up to play more and now i'm getting lasered across the map

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>get into a fire fight
>we win but i died
>my own team loots my shit THEN respawns me

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>random teammate does worst
>cries on Yas Forums calling them terrible

Fuck that. If theres no good reason to take my shit I leave.

>Teammate is spectating me
>Grab some of his loot
>Realize this and drop it
>Already disconnected

>team mate runs off some where else
>Do all the work
>teammate first one to loot all the stuff