How to git gud at this girl

How to git gud at this girl

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I went IDPD HQ and demolished by elite, what should I do

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play YV instead

>best girl
>worst character
Thanks Vlambeer

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Go as fast as you can and use your special frequently

get used to dying to your special, a lot

do it for dozens of hours until you stop dying to it and get good at going super fast


Energy sword or Lightning hammer
Which is best?

also post cute Rogue

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easily the sword, hammers are too slow even with trigger fingers

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This but with chicken so you can BTFO Lil Hunter.

best girl

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Why she stole portable strike? she should stole more useful equipment

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(airhorn sounds)

>get used to dying to your special, a lot
That can happen?
Does that mean just getting close forever and hoping you revive?


Rogue is a nigger...


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my granddaddy always told me one day he was gonna marry a blue eyed black girl and by god he had the right idea

What mutations should take as Rogue

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Maybe boiling veins if you keep on killing yourself with your ability.

Nuclear Throne?

When he shoots his bouncing bullets you can just get up close to him and keep reflecting them back at him using your sword.

Which character should take sharp teeth? I think it's garbage mutation.
Also eagle eye too

Imagine the blowjobs.

>Skip weapon chests at the start
Rouge Rifle is versatile and incredibly useful to the point there's no reason to be opening weapon chests in the Desert. Wait for a Large Weapon chest and open it for ammo.
>Get a feel for how many enemies you're killing during the stage
IDPD backup will arrive once the stage is about half way cleared. Playing too aggressive and throwing yourself in with no cover is a very easy way to get flanked by the portals.
>Take the Pizza Sewers shortcut whenever possible
Rouge gets no rad canisters, which means you need to kill as many enemies as possible to catch up on levels. The manhole can be opened by either Blast Armor or Portal Strike, and entering Pizza Sewers gives another Portal Strike canister if you do the latter.
>Do not take Boiling Veins
Portal Strike should be used on bunched enemies safely away from you, or to clear terrain for cover. You should not be killing yourself with it frequently for Boiling Veins to matter.

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idk why they designed characters with abilities that do not scale in a game all about infinitely looping

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Imagine her Bskin is cute

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isn't her bskin just the police captain

i got OC

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Do yourself a favor and pick someone else
Literally anyone is better, even Chicken

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post more rogue

Can I see some gameplay of this for a once?

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