Post good things about this game besides how physically attractive the characters are

Post good things about this game besides how physically attractive the characters are.

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okay you got me, there are none

It actually does things to tell the story that a film, comic, or book couldn't do


The music and setting are both great.

Fantastic ost

It’s funny

the robot designs are fire

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Or should I say... Cute?

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the way it tells the story through diegetic means is absolutely phenomenal and incredibly unique.
I am excited for Yoko Taro's next project.
It also has an incredible OST.

Good OST, good setting, ok story but only if you get immersed.

A story that makes you think

he cute

That's easy, it had an incredible ost.

It would objectively be a 10/10 if the pacing in the 9S route wasn't so fucking awful. Everything else about the game is excellent but that one major flaw holds it back

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>Post good things about this game

become as gods

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9s becoming an angry simp was relatable

The story is pretty good and even there it's a sequel the story makes more sense than any FF game.

>wait for the king to grow old
>he never will because he's a machine but the machines don't know that
>what is loyalty

I liked the gameplay.
I liked the mecha sections.
I liked the twist where there were no humans on the moon. I liked when shit hit the fan and YoRHA died.
I liked 2b's death.
I liked how every quest in the game ties into the story's main theme of existentialism.
Overall I liked it a lot. It's a flawed game, but I'm looking forward to seeing what Yoko Taro can do with a bigger budget and more confidence behind him.

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I like how I was just dicking around and accidentally found ending U.

Just beat Emil part two last night. Game is fucking glorious. It's not without flaw, and the fighting could be a bit more involved, but it's an extremely memorable experience.

I love the areas (the serenity of the city ruins, surfing on the desert, the visuals of the theme park, the enemies of the forest kingdom, the fabric details on the factory)

The subquests are all interesting or entertaining.

The Music is fucking awesome

The final boss is fucking meta kino

The controls and combat feel really smooth (wish Taro hadnt requested P* to dumb the game down for RPGfags though).

The enemy design is really cool with that vintage futuristic look (does that count? It kinda falls on attractiveness of characters)

The extra endings are fun collectables.

It has a bunch of robot kids committing suicide because they learned the concept of fear.

Nuff said.

One of the only games to have good fist combat. I fucking love fist combat. Gameplay was great. Characters were great. Music was great. I like the story. I liked how it become increasingly over the top towards the ending. No game is ever without flaw. The only part of the game I never liked going to was the desert. Deserts are fucking boring. 9S being a little bitch wasn't enough for me to stop playing like how it was for others apparently. I actually liked seeing the story from his perspective. A2 is better than 2B and deserved more of a spotlight at some point.

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World atmosphere is amazing
It's visually impressive and aesthetically pleasing, though on the technical side the graphics definitely suck
Soundtrack is amazing
Character animations are great
Gameplay is fun and a major upgrade from OG Nier (though the difficulty curve can make it a cake walk later in the game)
Story and characters are great
It probably has the best ending of all games I've played, both because it's very connected to the themes of the story but mostly because it's an ending which actually makes excellent use of video games as a medium, the ending wouldn't have worked at all in any medium without interactivity

It's really very good overall, pretty much everything about it is very good with 2 exceptions: the difficulty curve and technical aspects.

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>I liked the gameplay.
why? it's shit.

>It's visually impressive

yeah 9S was a bit of a ween sometimes, don't know why Japs have such a femboy fetish. What happened to characters being ultra chads?

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Yup, the graphics are obviously shit (some bits are even broken in a very literal, objective and technical way). That being said, the way the world is built, the vistas it offers, the use of light and darkness, the use of color (and the lack of color at points) are all well-done and can make for fairly impactful scenes. I sure as shit was impressed when I first saw the amusement park, or when I first saw the rollercoaster ride part, or that deep blue lake at the bottom of the cavern, or the cave with the flowers and so on.