Square needs to remake FF6 with Octopaths artstyle


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>Square needs to remake

that would be the only way I'd accept it


>Square needs to remake
Oh no no no no

Am I the only one who thinks octopath looks soulless af? something feels off about it

imagine my ass farting!

What feels off is the bloom

I think its unnecessary to add that filter to it.

>fire attacks do shadow damage
Who the fuck made this mockup?

i expected someone to add ghosts to OP's image

no. it's the most soulless game i've played in recent memory.
it's so fucking repetitive it's like they didn't even care to come up with interesting scenarios. just copy pasted the exact same go to town -> meet character -> go to dungeon -> repeat ad nauseum structure 70 times.


>throwing a bunch of shitty filters over low-res sprites

would be cool but i dont understand why people upscale these old sprites and make them look so fucking bad, when they looked great on the OG CRT monitors.

shut the fuck up

Square needs to leave VI the fuck alone.

If they want to stay on the Remake train, they can do it to VIII. They might fuck it up so much that they accidently make it a good game.

octopath looks like dogshit
>literal flashlight in the center of the screen
>dried out color palette

Because what they're upscaling is the only information that you can actually get from the game itself. How the game looked on your CRT cannot be properly emulated, ever.

FF6 remake in the style of FF7R would unironically be K I N O.

>Square needs to remake FF6
They can keep their slimy hack hands off of 6

Attached: 1561259642922.png (720x817, 620.15K)

you can rework the sprites to make them look as good as they did though. for some reason people want this overly pixelated garbage and act like it's just perfect.

Octopath is great game that filtered so many normalfags, the game was actually gaining traction and was many zoomers first experience with traditional jrpgs, but then the youtube guy came along with biased review and everyone started trashing it, what the fuck is wrong with gamers? Why they must parrot e-celebs opinions?

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The fact that it's an rpg trying to cash-in on people's nostalgia for the olden days but uses shitty filters and blocky 3D backgrounds.

Did anyone ask for your opinion?

Then shut the fuck up.

No, you can't user. The way they looked to you is subjective.

octopath looked like shit

FF2 could do with a complete rehaul, i love the character designs in that game

No. You dumb bitch.

It's literally one fag who won't shut up, dude.


who the fuck are you talking about

the Octopath Traveler artstyle is shit though. It looks like someone took an RPG maker game, made it 2.5D, and added bootleg RTX to it, and the pixel art in general has no soul or uniqueness what so ever.

The rest of the game is good, but I still really don't like it's aesthetics at all.

Also, FF6 doesn't have anywhere near as much normie praise as FF7 and FFX. It'll never get remade.

He's probably talking about Dunkey. Which is weird because he's not actually that influential.

FF2 has a lot of potential that was executed very poorly.

FFVI is the next big game in their backlog, user.

What's their biggest game? FF7.
What's their second biggest game? FFX.
What's their third biggest game? FF8 is hated by everyone, FF9 is a literally who. But Kefka? Everyone knows Kefka.

Didn't Nomura say he'd like to remake 6 and 5 one day

The pixel art is pretty good, the washed out colors, bloom and blur is a really weird decision that I guess was supposed to hide the rougher edges?

>Square need to rema-


Speaking of Octopath, I was reading up on it and it seems very similar to Live-A-Live.

I really enjoyed Live-A-Live. How does Octopath measure up to it?

you need to go back

Fuck you I like it