Worst characterfags within their fandom

Worst characterfags within their fandom

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Shadowchads are based tho
Like me

That’s not Yoshi, Daisy, or Waluigi

Tailspedos and Creampedos are worse

The DMC fancase is particularly retarded with him

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Pokemon: Cynthiafags, Lilliefags, and Marniefags. Mistyfags don't really count as Yas Forums related but they're just as bad if not worse.


She cute but her fans are probably amongst the annoying part of the Kirby fandom

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Agreed on the Yoshifags one. Half of that fanbase is full of cringe And nasty shit. I think the Daisyfags and Waluigifags stop being annoying nowadays, especially Daisyfags


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That's not Susie

Shit you’re right

*AoStH Eggman
*any girl from USUM

Rayman is literally dead forever thanks to these stupid fucks

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a fictional fox boy

What’s so bad about AoStH Robotnik fans and Wario fans

I know, since he’s fictional so I don’t give a shit. You fags are still obnoxious as fuck

They spout annoying shit and flood discussion with low effort memes.

Seconding Susie.

I haven't seen anything annoying about her fanbase that the other characters fanbase didn't go through.

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any newcomer in Smash Ultimate

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Do Mariofags even exist? Outside of Smash, where they are indeed pretty obnoxious, who goes "Yea I'm going to play as fucking Mario".

USUM only added like 2 girls.

I usually played Mario Party as Mario to avoid the fight over who got to be Luigi.

I do, he's always the most balanced in every game

Did they even interact?

I'm talking about Mallow and Lana as well, whenever i see any of them it's always something cringey.

I doubt it.

just pick Wario