Anime profile

>anime profile

Attached: vince.gif (220x220, 933.19K)

>same spammed thread with same filename

Attached: 1545444344999.jpg (200x189, 22.29K)

Le epic OP is gay XDDD I GET IT I GET IT I am in the exclusive Yas Forums club XDDD

>WWE profile

Attached: 1439223474128.gif (300x225, 2.81M)

honestly an Anime profile is fine as long as it's some normalfag shonen like DBZ or Naruto and not some faggot waifu shit. what's infinitely worse than anime profiles are the people who have one woman that they think is hot like Ariana Grande, possible the worst people in all of the internet.

>wrestling manchild thinks his opinion matters

Attached: 1585229010594.jpg (354x350, 84.63K)

>manga profile

Attached: i like that.png (1074x1016, 716.87K)

>criticizing anime in an anime website

>profile includes a detailed list of his computers specs

Attached: bb7.jpg (859x960, 34.88K)

>everybody has a frog profile picture
>chats with 4channel references
>racists to some degree

Attached: 1577431759690.jpg (1242x1191, 465.08K)

I literally look like this, should I be worried?

irony dude XD

Why don't people with anime avatars use their real picture on social media?

post body


Attached: 1584464384203.jpg (600x600, 42.48K)

you know the answer

>using social media at all

Same seething weeb

Why is anime so divisive on Yas Forums?

>smug anime girl profile

Attached: 1465857131124.jpg (714x621, 226.88K)

Animechads aren't leaving.

Attached: 89y889.png (977x679, 776.15K)

newfags post 2016 election

Attached: 1544296982218.jpg (738x622, 98.52K)

>post body, on Yas Forums, So everyone can laugh at me
yeah, not happening

>>anime profile

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I'm not a weeb I just think unoriginal spam is shit.
Waifufags who are generally obnoxious and people who shitpost about east v. west don't help the issue.

All anime is terrible.

Most of us oldfags grew up and moved on from those children's cartoons

>w*jack image

Attached: 1543527112891.jpg (652x641, 68.38K)

Prove you're an oldfag right now then.

Attached: 1576142148072.jpg (1280x960, 78.5K)

>Most of us oldfags grew up and moved on from those children's cartoons

>t. newfag normalfag from leddit

Attached: 1536269815499.png (611x508, 541.35K)

why are all trannie skin shit?

ew ass acne. get a smooth bum if you want me to treat you like a real girl

newfags and tourists not realizing this entire website was founded for anime and is a core part of the culture.

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Attached: 1375435917533.jpg (600x600, 103.12K)

3 buzzwords and a turbo normie reaction pic with an anime edit huh.
youre a massive faggot i hope you know that

>why yes my profile pic is heath ledger's joker and no I havent changed it since 2009

Attached: chadjoker.jpg (720x808, 30.55K)


fucking cringe autistic crap like all anime. Grow the fuck up loser.

>anime profile

Attached: mio.jpg (300x281, 43.97K)


lmao, the newfag reveals himself

Attached: 1552304065899.jpg (607x730, 84.42K)

>Anime profile
>some gay autistic fantasy biography

Attached: 1m2kx6.jpg (160x158, 9.53K)

kys tranny

Attached: 1581991798966.jpg (1024x1024, 91.62K)

>t. faggot

Cope, gook lover.
Shut up faggot. No one cares about your gay jutsus or half-naked dudes fighting.


wow the depth of your knowledge is so impressive


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I miss moot guys

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he revealed himself in like the second post of the thread when he did his ironic XD posting


Attached: 1401848745492.gif (217x199, 587.54K)

Attached: puke.webm (720x1276, 1.9M)

moot is

Attached: 0ede051b751a6b22e2287ee53c04a331833f61aff0ef1a15d892172b5bb130b01edt.jpg (750x950, 160.2K)

>honestly an Anime profile is fine as long as it's some normalfag shonen like DBZ or Naruto
I always assume they're either just children, third-worlders, or manchildren. Most of the time they end up ticking at least one of those boxes.

Cringe newfag.

>signs of """"depression""""

Attached: 1525096016009.jpg (378x378, 5.04K)

>Cringe newfag.

Attached: 1521406609766.png (1229x953, 1.26M)

Yas Forums has the largest tranny population on Yas Forums.

>still replying