Why aren't handheld PCs more popular?

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I got a gpd 1 for the hell of it... And the battery died after like 2 weeks of uses

because I have a phone


but you can't play actual triple A videogames

Because you get third degree burn just from holding it.

because gaming laptops are more powerful and better

because those handhelds heat up like a mofo

because they are expensive

because it's just not worth it anymore.

Because they're shit?

Fuck awful battery life, run extremely hot which reduces their lifespan, poor build quality, can't be upgraded, can't easily be repaired, poor specs.

You'd have to be fucking retarded to want or use one.

I can hold this in my hand haha

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nothing but seething non essential neets itt

society doesn't need any of you

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ok wagie

I remember my buddy had one of those xiaomi mini pc's, it had a metallic case that got hot enough to cook shit on.

literally thread/

Smartphones are easily the most popular form of personal computer.
OP is a trucking idiot.

t.esl third world shitter who's too fucking poor to afford an actual PC and is trying to convince himself that this garbage is a worthwhile purchase

Neither can you.

GPD Win 2 is godly for emulation, also great for VNs.

If they weren't 800 burgerbux I'd consider it

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reminds me of sonys weird playstation phone

All they are good for is emulation and i can do that on my phone.

mine got swollen to shit after using it for 6 month. a button also got fucked up because the rubber became loose and was starting to rip.
these chinks use the worst fucking batteries and parts to make these. it eventually it becomes a ticking time bomb. i only bought gpd1 but i aint ever spending another dime on their garbage tech.

They don't do anything a smartphone or a tablet can't do nowadays and they've always been prohibitively expensive. Nice idea but the tech is just not there.

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You'd only respond if you identified with that post in some way. Very telling, user.

They suck. There expensive. What games you can manage to get running well on it will cause the unit to heat up and be uncomfortable to hold.

If you are going to spend 300-500 dollars on a handheld console---get a Switch, about the same level of performance in multiplat games but with good first party support. Or pocket the majority of the money and buy a second hand 3DS or Vita

What's the fucking point? I had one of those "Netbooks" when they were new. All it could do was run Jagged Alliance 2, and it had trouble with that. Used to play during my military intel class lmao

GPD wins are hot garbage, literally. I can't think of any reason as to why someone would want or use one.

Laptop for work/study/travel, desktop for home.

Thanks for beta testing for the win2chads

>get a Switch
No thanks, I want something with an actual library.

I'm about as far from that as you can get user, your bullshit is just painfully transparent.

Only absolute poorfags even consider rubbish like GPD Wins.

Americans don't value portability that much and it's fucking expensive.

Then get a 3DS instead of seething about the Switch, you tool. Hell, the bigger "no gaems" target in his post was Vita but you went straight for the tendie throat.

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Look at that shit ass controller.

what do you mean by that

Then get a phone, get a laptop, get a Vita, get a 3DS, Get a PSP.

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They're not good at anything. Too small to replace a laptop and too cumbersome to replace a portable console.

Not to mention that if it's emulation you're after then the switch, 3ds or vita will cost less and offer a much better experience

I'll play AAA games on my phone through geforce now or stadia much better than you will on a handheld PC

didn't stadia flop? i haven't heard about it in months lol


Being stupid on purpose is unbecoming, user

I'd love to get a laptop but my $800 laptop struggled to run a lot of different games. It would crash often and eventually the thing died. My $750 desktop can run anything I want.

How is he stupid? Geforce now is fucking amazing.

Streaming literally offers better framerates, performance, higher resolutions and less input latency than a GPD Win, so?

>and less input latency
Jesus Christ user stop.


How about you educate yourself fucktard? GPD Win controls are dogshit with notoriously bad latency.

>Implying streaming has less input latency than buttons connected to the actual device you're playing on

user, the gpd win is certainly a piece of shit and not worth it's price but don't be retarded enough to defend streaming as an alternative to it

>Implying streaming has less input latency than buttons connected to the actual device you're playing on
Geforce Now manages to have less input latency than a lot of controllers, wired and wireless, including the absolute cheap chink shit in the GPD Win.

Prove it, FAGGOT.

I have a 3DS since 3DS emulation is shit but using a device that's all-in-one without needing a shitty bluetooth controller like with phones is appealing.