Why did it die so quickly? The first mario maker's hype lasted for a good 3 years after it released, with gaming youtubers making videos about it for a long time. Mario Maker 2 had a good initial hype but died down in less than a month. What happened?
Why did it die so quickly? The first mario maker's hype lasted for a good 3 years after it released...
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I got a switch a month ago. Still planning on buying this. Is the singleplayer campaign good at all? Or literally is it just "hope to god I find a good level" simulator.
I dont know man. Maybe the fact that its almost the exact same game as the first one had something to do with it. People already had the mario maker experience from the first one. 2 offers extremely little new shit to warrant a long lifespan when every dedicated plyer already played the shit out of the original.
will this save it?
Why do you make yet another thread you fucking inbred?
When Nintendo release the brand new upcoming Nintendo switch pro we might see super Mario maker 3 release
For a few weeks maybe. Theres so much more they could have added to this game to make it the definitive version. But of course they have to save that for "Mario Maker 3" and the 4 down the road. This game is still inferior to mario maker 1 in some ways even after the updates...
Singleplayer is okay. multiplayer popular section has some pretty good stuff. don't play coop or versus, online play is really bad.
It was released a year too early and they're only just finishing the game now through that clusterfuck of an update that was just announced.
Pretty much this. The new one barely added anything new. It might as well just be a port of the original.
Because Nintendo make it paid online
>t. Not at all aware of the MM community
Its still a very active game. And all the big streamers like Panga, Trihex and PooBear still stream it pretty much every day.
The reason the original seemed to make a bigger impact was because it did. It was the first game in the series and it was on the Wii U where each 1st party game that came out had a huge focus.
Because mods here keot killing the great level sharing threads here
>This game is still inferior to mario maker 1 in some ways even after the updates...
Are you fucking braindead? Even upon its release this game had so much new content that the first game feels like a shitty Early Access Steam game.
Now this new update just dropped a World Editor for people to basically make their own Super Mario games.
b-b-but my amiboo skins!!!!
>World Maker
that might be fun... for a few minutes.
People will bitch about the missing skins forever despite them being useless at best and detrimental at worst.
New shit coming out
MM1 came out on the Wii U when not a whole lot else was.
Same reason Melee stayed so active after Brawl came out: sometimes it's better to just mine a single game for all its worth than to move on.
Yes I will. I doesnt make 2 a worse game than 1 but they were alot of fun
t. doesn't like the core gameplay.
This. Like holy shit smash bros gets constant threads on here and it can barely stave off page 10 through all the gacha threads on /vg/. It's like the mods don't want people playing video games.
>Yas Forums now uses lets players and e-celebs to gauge a game's activity
How did it come to this?
how does level sharing help mindgeek spread propaganda.
name 3 things it does worse then mario maker 1 other then costumes
Nintendo made it paid online even to upload shit
Of course, I suppose that the free money Nintendo makes from the yearly tips people pay to use their own internet offsets the bad pulicity and lowered playerbase of some games
Playing a world from someone and seeing how they take advanatge of all the different styles quirks are an amazing addition, better than any new style imo.
Yas Forums is pozzed by reddit. Nothing new.
paid online.
it's the reason I haven't been using it. not gonna pay for online until I have like 100 levels lined up for upload immediately.
It's not about video games. It's about my video games being better than your video games, but not too better. The optimal Yas Forums video game is probably somewhere around Nioh, where it's not good for generating shitposting bait but people still play it.
He didn't get onto some random user's family plan in the first day.
Forgot my meme arrows
Maybe because it s the same game with just a few updates.
You don't even have the special mushroom to keep people playing like in the original.
You cant stack pipes in 2
In what way did the special mushroom "keep people playing"? It added literally nothing to the actual gameplay. Its more th fact that the mario maker gimmick isnt as intersting anymore now that i already played 700 hours of the first one
True but even a gimmick can keep people coming. The mushrooms where a collectible to keep people interested and they keep adding new ones.
It did nothing to gameplay but kept the people at least aware that the game was still a thing.