I am confused. Wasn't this remake supposed to be one of the biggest deals in gaming of all time? Yet it seems to me like a lot of the hype around this has died in just a few days after release. If it doesn't double the lifetime sales of the original it has failed big time.
I am confused. Wasn't this remake supposed to be one of the biggest deals in gaming of all time...
It being episodic killed the all the hype.
>Yet it seems to me like a lot of the hype around this has died
How do you measure this? there's like 4 threads going on at the same time.
I'm nominating you for the most disingenuous OP on Yas Forums today!
I hope many (you)s come your way in your fantastic bait thread!
Squeenix shills are cheering about getting 3rd place behind God of War and selling 700k in Japan. It’s a failure. FFXIII sold 2 million in Japan first weekend. They have a loser’s mindset and will continue to justify their own failure as successes.
why did it sell like shit?
This game should have sold at least 5 million within the first couple of days. The fact that it likely hasn't speaks volumes. I think the FF name has been tarnished too badly at this point.
>selling 700k in Japan
>Wasn't this remake supposed to be one of the biggest deals in gaming of all time?
Yes. But it isn't.
1) it's an EPISODIC release, and this is just the first ep out of who knows how many.
2) it is actually NOT a remake, but a spinoff-sequel in disguise! Which is idiotic.
3) it looks and plays terrible. Period.
It split the fanbase with the changes. So all we get are either full on war threads with autists asperging left and right, waifu or lore discussion threads that actually want to go balls deep into the shitty alternate timeline, dementor fan fic etc.
There is no physical copies left all sold out.
This. The world map being an illusion aside, the original was remembered as a vast and epic game where you travel a world. The remake was a thing of dreams because many argued it couldnt be done without some huge caveat in the style of a modern game and then as soon as it was announced the remake was episodic and Midgar only those people were basically proven right.
There’s hype but its not the same level as if it had been a full remake spanning the journey from Midgar to Northern Crater. The sequels may not even be that now judging from the retarded ending. You may as well be asking why the FFVII compilation spinoffs didn’t sell that much. Not to mention fucking covid.
No there was still hype until it released and everyone realised that wow, nomura is fucking terrible at making video games.
It's only gonna get worse with the following episodes. Nomura hasn't even begun to unleash his nonsense on us yet.
seems like its selling fine
What do you mean the world map being an illusion?
>Plays terrible
Every time
There was never real substantial demand for this to be remade. It was just very loud manchildren that loved FF7 when they were 12. They all bought it and are now throwing tantrums that it is not the exact same game but with better models for Tifa's tits even though SE has been saying for years that they would never under any condition just remake FF7 with new graphics.
But this was always going to be an issue because they were so set on the game having action combat. And then to make it worse, most of these so called "fans" didn't fight back against it. So not enough out there were demanding it stay as a TB/ATB combat game with random encounters with characters lined up to attack. Even then it still maybe could have dropped the random encounters in favor of something like Chrono Trigger where you see the enemies before you fight them. Square just wanted to appeal to a new audience though. That is the biggest problem. They suckered in original fans with lies.
Except yes there was a demand. More so than any other game. When the remake was announced it did things like trend worldwide, it broke Yas Forums for at least a day and so on. It was a big deal but now it is not.
You are not getting it. The only people that wanted this are the people that played it when they were 12. Everyone that wanted this game has already bought it and is either playing it and enjoying it or bitching about it not being the perfect dream game they imagined it would be.
There is no remaining possible audience left until the hard copies hit the bargain bin. That's why there are no threads about if people should buy it and everything is either bitching about Tifa's tits or time travelers in bathrobes. This was a niche product from the beginning.
>he said when there's 5 7RM threads in the first 3 rows alone of the catalog
What qualifies as a big deal to you?
>This was a niche product from the beginning.
>third best selling ps4 exclusive behind spider dude and god of onions
You are a massive fucking idiot.
it's a movie game. You watch the 8 hours worth of cut-scenes on youtube and quickly lose interest in actually playing the game.
you must be confused, this thread is about ff7r, not xenoblade.
Just further proof the Square side of Square-Enix is full emasculated bugmen rushing stuff out for quick buck while Enix bros are alpha chad bugmen who provide only quality.
Meanwhile XV's first week saw 694,262 copies sold in Japan, FF7R being only a marginal improvement. I really think the jig is up as far as the 'Square' in Square Enix goes, XIII was so long ago, everybody knows the kind of trash they shit out by now and they're not falling for it. There is literally no way FF7R gets to even three entries, it's a financial black hole, it'll probably be shitcanned after the next one if it even gets that far.
what the fuck is going on in shinra tower
can I really not skip any of this guide shit
why is fucking one winged angel playing
I'm fine with a remake changing everything and then some.
I am not ok with a sequel being sold as a remake.
>There is literally no way FF7R gets to even three entries, it's a financial black hole, it'll probably be shitcanned after the next one if it even gets that far.
you tortanicucks must be masochists or something. nomura alone has blown you the fuck out in back-to-back years with kh3 and ff7r episode 1, and that's not even getting into all the other games you've failed to tortanic. doesn't it get old being wrong all the time?
>Everyone that wanted this game has already bought it and is either playing it and enjoying it
Just from the amount of cancelled pre-orders I can tell you you're wrong here. People even here were on board to give it a try and see what it brought to the table, pre-release, but the backlash when leaks started spilling out saw a complete 180 in reception and perception. I was 100% going to buy it but after I saw the .webms on here I'd decided to give Squeenix $0 and pick it up at that bargain bin you mentioned years down the line.
Honestly they have kinda taken the most hyped Remake ever and chosen to go about it in the least hype way possible. First you have the episodic things which sucked but people were willing to accept it. Then you have the reveal that it’s not even a real remake. Sure some people are still excited for the next one but it’s nowhere near what the hype would be if it was actually a full game and a real remake.
What the fuck are you even saying? Is this English? I'm saying a high budget project like this has no chance of surviving if these less than ideal conditions continue. And these conditions won't continue, they'll get worse, less people will buy part II as that's what always happens in episodic releases. The corporate infrastructure at Square Enix is legendarily fucked and have shitcanned far less deserving projects in the past, this is just reality.