Have vidya graphics become so good that good graphics are no longer something to judge games by?

have vidya graphics become so good that good graphics are no longer something to judge games by?

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The games with "so good" visuals are still 1 in 10, besides no one is safe from bad art direction.

>art direction.
I'm specifically talking about graphics though

Graphics have never made a bad game good.

Good graphics are a welcome thing to have, but it was never center stage...
Part of the reasons why older games retain their charm is because they knew their limitations in terms of realism, and instead focused on Art Direction, Gameplay, and so forth

>made a bad game good.
what does this have anything to do with what OP said or asked?

anti-graphics fags always with this bs, preemptive deflection, pretending to hate graphics because they either have a 7 years old PC, that was low-mid end 7 years ago, or a 7 years old console and want to pretend not to care (until the next console is about to launch, then they come to claim it's better then google servers)

Not ever have good graphics made a game good.

what does this have anything to do with what OP said or asked?

no because shit looking games still look like shit

>have vidya graphics become so good that good graphics are no longer something to judge games by?
This is the entire point of the thread. Truth is games have NEVER been a good metric to judge games by, if you care about graphics too much then you probably don't care about what actually makes a game good.

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learn the difference between art direction/style and graphics.

Thats a crap sci fi live action movie not a video game. the fuck?

good graphics were never something to judge games by. it's only ever been a nice side addition.

>Truth is graphics have NEVER been a good metric to judge games by
Fixed a typo.

very few games have amazing graphics such as pic related and we are at least 5 years away from the video below (that can run on a gtx 1080 + 6600k by the way), so keep complaining, or soon instead of advancement we could have all games looking like the easy to make and easy to run cartoonish crap like fortnite/overwatch/valorant

Attached: wallhaven-01yreg.jpg (1920x1080, 339.03K)

from where did you took the idea that caring about graphics means you HAVE to not care about gameplay? is the "anti-graphics" crowd really meant it, they would not be waiting for the next releases, there is hundreds of great PS2 games most people didn't play, why to wait for the new releases? go play old games instead...
of course graphics =/= good game, but at least from personal experience, speaking out against graphical improvement to the point of becoming anti-graphics = poorfag

Killzone Shadowfall looks better than that lol

Am I alone in thinking the era in which you start playing games permanently sets your perception of "good" and "good enough" graphics? I started playing games in the 16-bit era, PS2 onwards was amazing to me, PS3 and 360 still look damn good to me. After that it all seems like delicious eye-gravy.

same, I started on my dad's Atari 2600 and went from there to NES and the rest

not only that, but I think we will soon achieve texture, model and lightning fidelity undistinguished from real life (or at least pass the uncanny valley threshold), quixel comes close to that and 100% of lightning made by ray tracing could become doable and then we will start spending the extra horsepower of our machines in physics and AI, fluid simulation, destructibility, simulating reaction of different body tissues to damage for violent games etc, here is where I'm eager to see more graphical improvement

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sure is does kid, did you lick the boot of sony gooks today already ?

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Honestly I don't know what the fuck OP is trying to say.

>sure is does kid, did you lick the boot of sony gooks today already ?

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Oh, no way. We've still got a long ways to go in that regard. For example, there's spots in FFVIIR that look so good, they're practically on par with a CG movie, but then there's other bits that look like a launch PS3 game.

Tell that to OP, not me, dummy.

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Isn't this that recent horror film "Underwater"?

Graphics are not at that point, but they don't have to be, style beats out realism, which is only ever "realistic" for afew years max before it loses it's worth, then people look back at games they thought looked good and think it's trash.
Stylish games though, retain their visual worth indefinitely.
So I will always judge stylish games way above realism, realism is for plebs, and pure throw away fashion.

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I meant to link to OP

They never were really something to judge a game by. What matters is that you can tell what's going on with the visuals and the gameplay is fun.

I started playing with doom, prince of persia, atari 2600, but I still love to see graphics advancement almost as much as I like gameplay, growing up seeing games getting better every year made me love to see them evolving
I think it doesn't matter that much for younger people because now it's not a linear evolution anymore, one game is good looking, other is garbage, from 1997 to maybe 2007 games 2 years old already looked outdated and it was cool to watch it, same with PCs on the same period and cellphones some years latter, now who cares, a 7yo PC/notebook is good enough for non-gaming activities and all phones do the same

he means having good graphics stopped being a big deal because of how easy it is now

A lot of blur and bloom.