Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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redditors hate him cause he makes them seethe when all they have to do is not watch him.



Dear Low Tier God,
I take back the many instances where I called you black DSP and humbly ask you to forgive me. You are a pretty ok guy.


If you think he's a bully, well, he's not.

He pees in a bottle lol

and got banned at the next EVO KEK

Didn't he kill himself last year or something?

TO THE 40%

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No, but he told trannies to go fuck themselves and got turbobanned from the FGC.


Indubitably; tranno*d got BTFO and his plan backfired resulting in LTG making bank.

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He would be a textbook example of a Chad if he wasn't black


made $1500 in 30 minutes the same day he got banned, and he also got cerobkast banned from all tournaments as well
LowTierGod is /ourguy/

>a fucking nigger
no thx

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He strikes me as someone who was nerdy and insecure in his childhood, possibly even picked on. He decided to work out a ton and overcompensate for his perceived shortcomings, but his insecurity still shines through like a beacon due to him putting all his worth into being good at fighting games and being more in shape/attractive than a bunch of nerds who just want to play vidya

you're right. he talks about how he grew up quiet and never could fit in and was always getting in fights with the black kids trying to be excepted. so many of his stories explains why he so aggresive now

fuck niggers and nigger-enablers

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>a bunch of nerds who just want to play vidya
you forgot to mention mentally ill and lonely. Since a lot of the hate comes from the fact that he's buff and decent looking. Incel virgin gaymers can't stand that and the fact that he plays fighting games, a genre that's hard to get into

>All that salt in the comments


niggers are pretty bad, but black nerds are into the same shit you shut-in virgins are into as well, kek

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No BBC=Anger


Oh yeah? Name five.

I never got the hate. I’m pretty fucking fat and nerdy and find most of what he says hilarious. It takes a degree of self-awareness to get that the dude is just talking shit and laugh about it.

He got is ass banned

>imagine giving donations to not only a nigger, but a nigger that doesnt know his place and rage quits every other match
>he did something out oof the ordinary and fucked my shit up

he is a good guy who is deeply misunderstood. even legit racists have to admit he's a pretty cool dude. he's overly aggressive but maybe the world needs some of that nowadays. and it's wonderful how much he makes faggots seethe.

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anime (for fags)
video games
food (you're probably a fatass)
and spouting nonsense that you wouldn't say IRL online cause you're a pussy (like LTG going on racist rants)

what makes him a good guy?

There is literally nothing wrong with doing this.

>Anno and DJMax are my favorite franchises
>Macross, Gundam, and Berserk for anime/Manga
>We're all on Yas Forums
>I like jrpgs and fighting games like any other black person
>I bleed red

Fuck, I tried.

Isn't that chocolate DSP?

I don't watch anime and I'm not fat either, but you are right about everything else.

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I don't see these black nerds calling out the kikes

DSP defends trannies, LTG (GOD) does NOT.

He's a nigger in literally every sense of the meaning. He should join Ceroblast in killing himself and making the world a better place.

you hang out with the wrong black people then. lmao. the only black guy I hang out with hates jews and thinks the earth is flat.

From the last thread

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source on the tranny getting banned too

how did cerobkast get banned from tournaments?

to the people calling LTG a nigger, just watch this video and realize he hates niggers even more than you do

LTG and DSP are the only two Yas Forums-approved ecelebs.

I'm black and have an admittedly irrational hatred towards the Chinese. Not Asians, but Chinese specifically.

ew, blackskin nigger go home


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there's nothing irrational about hating the chinese lol


Why you hate me for my skin lol

LTG fans dug up tweets of him saying nigga

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holy shit lol
>get that ass banned


election zoomer detected

Who is this semen demon?

everyone in the fgc says nigga casually though. or at least they did when I was around.

Where did I mention troons? I was referring to his spergery.

Who in the fgc hasn't said nigga at some point?

>so we have a little black spook roach
KEK how have I never seen this?

Who the fuck is that?

Which makes it even funnier that they still banned him for it, because they're going to have to ban a lot more people now if they want to stay consistent.

It’s 2020 you can’t even say it while rapping along with a song


ultra david cuz he's the whitest nigga alive

It doesn't matter. It's not about giving a shit about black people's feelings, it's about flexing on you and making you adhere to their gay ass rules. All that shit is a power play and nothing more. If you deviate from the J-Left code of conduct, they'll ban your ass from everything.

Fucking savage

I share the same opinion mate.

This ban won't last long. This is all for show.

And I'm supposed to care about this self-loathing nigger's opinion?

>btfos fatties
>btfos trannies
>btfos e thots
>btfos beta males
He is indeed our guy