I saw this in my sisters room and before I knew it it was like this. In the midst of wiping it down now

Put it up your ass

>turned on by a fucking Mii

You aren't?

U-uh hey sis I was building my gunpla and one part was sticking in so i had to use the hot glue but i accidentally spilled it on your figurine

My brother seems to have a thing for her.

Admit you did it because it reminded you of your sister.

even better

>hasnt seen the armpit animation

Someday you retards will learn to stop replying to obvious Twitter/phoneposts.

Attached: op is a faggot.png (783x390, 74.8K)

this is why i keep coming to this place

Attached: e109c9ec7e6fda2dc4565ae2c5408380fda0626250156e4fe91003d382226795.jpg (777x777, 122.85K)