First Wave

The Wave To kill Ps5
>a masterpiece fps game which will set a new standard for fps games both single player and multiplayer. will sell Atleast 50million

>a racer with ultra realistic graphics from the world biggest racing ip with each game selling 10to15millilon copies ever since horizon 3, the upcoming game will sell 30million


>the next big RPG King, with a ultra photographic, realistically created supreme graphics and gameplay that will make every RPG from Bethesda and Witcher studio cry from shame. 30million min
At the very least expect 20million Xbox series x consoles sold first year. Sony faggots we really need to talk, I wanna ask you how does it feel to be on the losing side? Have fun with your shot last gen graphics.

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Didn't people say the Xbox One was gonna be better and then it absolutely fucking tanked in comparison? Sure, Xbox has grown quite a lot since that bullshit. Halo is gonna be interesting to see, Forza is pretty fun. Wasn't Hellblade a ""movie game""? I'm glad we're getting a new Fable even though the first one was the only good one. Will stick to Sony until we see better 3rd party support. I hope you'll enjoy your X Series though, OP.

gee, how's 2008 looking?

Playstation will have big third party titles to back it up.

Trying too hard OP

maybe if they actually released a finished product for once id consider it an accomplishment

Looks better than 2020

Attached: 1422067776115.jpg (341x248, 37.69K)

Whatever was made in 2008 is a million times better than the garbage that comes out today

I like Xbros, but I wish they'd stop following morons like Colt and Timdog.

I thought Fable was dead for good, did I miss something?

this post made me sleep

this wojak was created by a dev at naughty dog

we havcent had a fable game in years man imlookin forward to this

what's the game beside fable?

>generic shooter. will sell ok.
>shitty racing game. appeals to lowest common denominator. sells ok.
>literal what

Honestly im fine with this over valorant shilling

Who gives a shit about literally any of these franchises outside of Mexicans?


playground are making a fable reboot

How can I convert to Playstation without being made fun of?

eurochad here. i care about halo and fable

I dont really trust microsoft to handle any of these properly.

They are ok at making multiplayer games and racers, but fable and halo being that good is doubtful.

>Setsuna and Fable launching with the console
Nah, probably by the end of 2021 though.

Man, the fact they're trying to hype up Fable as a major tentpole is just pathetic. The franchise torpedoed itself ten years ago. Halo, meanwhile, has had its soul sucked out by the revolving door staff of a vat-grown developer and its last release, five years ago, was a disaster.

Forza still has some cache, but I don't even know what that is in the bottom left.

Fuck that hellblade garbage,let snoy keep it that game is so fuckin bad

Fable IS a major tentpole. 3 was disappointing that doesnt mean people dont like the franchise as a whole

Halo is still fun stop parroting Yas Forums

As opposed to Uncharted zombies, or open world cinematic adventure game #8 and this time no games like Twisted Metal or Motorstorm around because Sony shut them down right?

>3m views 96% thumbs up

Will you guys admit you are retarded when PS5 crushes xbox next gen? Ill admit I was wrong if Xbox wins next gen. Either way Ill prob get both for me and my wifes son to play.

No one cares about Fable anymore. It hasn't had a release in ten years excepting its shitty Kinect spinoff. It had one good game that's old enough to drive, and a mediocre sequel older than most people posting here.

Halo 5 multiplayer was fun and the MCC is still fun despite its technical problems but the 4 and 5 campaigns wrecked the franchise and 343 has signed off on so many braindead novels, comics, etc. that it has diluted the brand. There's a reason Infinite is being positioned as a sort of soft reboot, and I hope they can pull it off; but you know Halo doesn't have the clout it used to.

>No one cares about Fable anymore
because there hasnt been a game in 10 years