Gordon, I'm female

Gordon, I'm female.

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utterly unfunny video; why am i seeing this everywhere


I'm here to ruin your fun by injecting my attention seeking politics in to everything I touch!

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make like a spring, discord tranny

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The first couple were great, Yas Forums was having fun with it, but now it's popular you have to hate ALL of it because you're not allowed to have opinions or admit that maybe you liked some parts of it and not others?

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the guy playing freeman is easily the worst character. Gordon's mind was good, but in a group setting he's pretty unfunny. I get that he's playing the straight man but its still not good


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was funny at first but got old very fast and it took itself way too seriously for what it is.


just an instathot with a different skin brother

We know. That's all you do is make these threads.

237 downvotes didnt have their passport

wayneradiotv gave your comment a

>that's all you do is make these threads

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are you referring to the pic or the girl in the video?

discord trannies are the ones who find this garbage funny

doesnt matter. either, same shit.

oh, i asked because the girl in the video is on pornhub. the girl in the pic is probably some russian roastie.

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I couldn't even finish the recent one, the first part of the final act.

God damn. It sucked with Benrey and Tommy was borderline, but the moment everyone went from "acting like AI" to "lets all just roleplay, here's an outline of a story" it became super shit.

Not to mention that the guy roleplaying as Gordon is a stupid fucking concept too. Should have just played an everyman who can talk to the AI and just roll with the punches/retarded AI in the game.
Jesus Christ

i thought it was funny but the guy playing in vr is insufferable. he isn't funny and tries way too hard to roleplay

i finally found the original, started watching it and holy shit the guy playing is AIDS. unwatchable

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dumb as a rock, don't know jack shit
think his opinion matters

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The series started to suck the moment Gordon said he wanted to be a justintv streamer without a hint of comedy or irony and hit rock bottom when he lost his hand.

I remember I tried watching the livestream once instead of the video made afterwards with all the filler cut out, and holy shit it was awful.

It was the part when they're on the dam trying to kill the helicopter, and obviously it was taking a long time. On top of that, "Gordon" was missing his hand at this point so he was doing fuck all but yell and cheer on the other guys. I only watched a couple minutes before rewinding to see if I could find a better part, and when I went back to the live portion it was still fucking dragging on that same fucking part. He sucks so much. I can't imagine how people watch the streams.

Honestly, I couldn't tell what role Gordon was supposed to play. I can't tell if he's supposed to be 'normal' or not. In the first few episodes he was playing it straight and that's why everything involving the disaster was funny. Once the characters were established it became too stale.

The nice thing with a Half-Life 2 one is that there's enough NPCs to inhabit and get rid of throughout the game, so its not just the initial cast from episode fucking 1.

>said he wanted to be a justintv streamer without a hint of comedy or irony
Holy fuck that shit was super cringey. I can't stand the parts where they all just sit down and "Gordon" just flaps his fucking gums and talks about himself, or asks stupid fucking questions to try and remind the viewer of something funny the other character said.

The guy playing Gordon really killed it for me. When he's not overacting or whining, he's spouting shit like
>Whoa cool knife Bubby, reminds me of this interview with this guy called Gabe Newell, he had a cool knife collection

He failed playing the straight man and he failed being comedic. I know they're different beasts, but just compare him to Ross in Freeman's Mind.

ehehehehehehehehe pizza pie

>ooh uhh, coomer, didn't you say you gain more power when your clones die? remember that? you said that.
>don't even ask! I do NOT have my passport! is that what you were going to say? if I had my passport? you ask about it all the time! AGAIN, I do NOT have my passport!

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I cannot find this series funny at all. The scientist impressions are good, but that's really it.

Coomer feels genuinely wasted here
>Tommy gets actively more flanderised as they go (Sunkist was 15 minutes of a 30 second joke)
>They don't realise how hard it is to write actually funny nonsequiturs hence fuckin' Playstation Plus and Heavenly Sword
>In trying to make things have a plot, they throw any and all charm out of the window

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>They don't realise how hard it is to write actually funny nonsequiturs hence fuckin' Playstation Plus and Heavenly Sword
your right about that i think the only good bit to come out of it was benrey harassing the Gman but thats probably because it was the only case of a good straight man

Look, Gordon! A tranny!

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April Fool's may have been dogshit with the ERP faggotry...but goddamn the porn being posted was pretty good

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