FF7R Mega Theory Thread

Time to amass every theory and try to out-Nomura Nomura

Trilogy. Half of the next game will be faithful, the other half Zack timeline crossover shennanagins. Ends at Temple of the Ancients with Aerith preparing to die but Sephiroth spares her. Sephiroth will learn his true parentage.

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but will I actually be able to customize my party on demand in the sequel?

>can't write based on theme or meaning
>instead create non-sequitur scenes with no meaning
>simpletons actually engage with this

Yes except Cloud is still always party leader that is of course until he dies and you play Zack


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the game plays out normal until the death scene, then aerith reversals sephiroth and piledrives him into ground pinning him with her hidden retard gorilla strength, at which point aeris reveals to cloud that the only way to achieve the perfect timeline is to rape sephiross right here, right now

Regardless of whether you like it or not, Nomura does use pretty obvious themes and Remake is rife with them. Reunion doesn't just mean JENOVA anymore - it's about Cloud and Aerith too. Remake is obviously focusing on fate/personal destiny, star cross'd lovers and letting go of the past

So now that nothing will be the same anymore and everything will be up in the air, what are your predictions for the inevitable sequel?

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Zack will finally get laid.

Aeris dies

Zack is dead friendo. That was just a flashback. Look at how injured he is. Square's just giving him a more heroic death this time, saving his friend, instead of getting gunned down like a bitch by a random mook.

Thief/Dishonored clone starring Yuffie and Cait Sith


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Sephiroth knows about the alternative timeline and knows Cloud will try to protect Aerith at Temple of the Ancients. He kills Cloud, and Aerith lowers his body into the lifestream where his consciousness is absorbed and he wakes up with a second chance in his comatose body in Zack's timeline.


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>then aerith reversals sephiroth

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I think the next game will still follow the original's layout pretty closely, but at the end of it in the Forgotten City there'll be more big changes.
Then the third and final game will have a lot more crazy new shit happening in general but still feature the Weapons and Cloud's mako poisoning and all that.

Could easily be stretched to 4 games rather than 3.

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Aerith won't be spared, pretty obvious the whole point is to give you a false sense of hope and then kill her regardless to make you feel as bad as you did back then.

Absolutely no way. They would not resist bringing him back and milking him for all it's worth. The plot ghosts protecting Midgar from letting him enter are gone, there's no way you won't play as Zack at some point


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>That was just a flashback.
they were clearly showing us that he survived the fight that was supposed to kill him.
yes I know his death scene was different in OG 7, but CC retconned the way his death scene looked and they clearly recreated that scene in 7R.

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I prefer this:
>Sephiroth Ending: The "Bad Ending". You try to change fate, but it massively backfires, Sephiroth becomes some sort of god like he planned and rules the world in terror.
>Tifa Ending: The "OG route" where Aerith dies and the cast decides that to defeat Sephiroth the planet showed you a clear way because it might be the only way to achieve it. Goes like the OG mostly. But ending implies that Cloud does once again end up as an emo moping about Aerith's death after all is over.
>Aerith Ending: The thing Aerithfags been waiting for all along, calling it things like "Aerith lives" DLC. But the price for going against Fate while still winning against Sephiroth in the end is Tifa definitly dying and also either Cloud dying in "Aerith Ending A", or half of the main cast dying while Cloud survives but fails to find his true self and becomes a proverbial "vegetable" forever under the effects of Mako poisoning from the final battle while Aerith takes care of him in his crippled state for the rest of the live after the world is saved in "Aerith Ending B".
>Zack ending: An off-shot of "Aerith Ending A" that requires a "game cleared" save of the spin-off "Final Fantasy VII: Eternal Crisis" - in this Ending, Zack appears from the space-time hole that Zack jumped into at the end of the FFVII:EC spin-off. BTW, the hypothetical FFVII:EC spin-off shows you the "Zack lives" timeline, so this ending is a follow up on that.
>Cloud Ending: The "True Route" of the FFVII:R project. Requires all endings aside from the Zack Ending. In this ending Cloud finally "got the hang of" all the communicating with yourself in other timelines stuff, so he does the unthinkable. He makes himself succeed the SOLDIER test, something that he tried dozens of times in the past but always failed (see OG parts and the one remake part where Cloud heard his "subconscious self" talk to him, was in reality future Cloud). The route where the entire party lives.

>until he dies and you play Zack
fuck. I was hoping cloud would switch bodies with lynx.

I'm saying 3 games because 4 would be too long of a wait and people would be pissed off waiting by then. I agree though, although I think 75% of the next game will be what we know and the last 25% will be new.

They have to let Cloud find himself in the lifestream without a wheelchair or something, I highly doubt it'll play out the same as the OG

soul soulless

We all hate Zack's VA in this, right?

>much smaller army
hmm yeah he's getting OG FF7 ended later

you draw that yourself or did you have to get your mom to help

>L-LOL I never wanted a faithful remake to begin with even though I was literally crying at the parts that were faithful recreations of the original

I think he is in hard denial guys, either that or just an extreme shill.

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Cloud's mother was actually Sephiroth's sister and her ghost is what gives Cloud the power to fuse with Vincent, which gives them the power to defeat the giga bad guy. But the dimensional rift breaks down and Cloudcent finds himself in a world filled with cartoony people wearing togas.

oh yeah

i cannot understand how people can see the fucking testicle ghosts fluttering about and not just throw the disc into the garbage

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That's the obvious boring answer, but I don't doubt Aerith will be in 90% of the entire series now. If or when she dies it'll be the big finale

Crisis Core isn't canon. This was just a cute nod. He will still get the bullet.

Wait, so is the original FF7 timeline the 'correct' one that the ghosts are trying to ensure takes place?

is this the timeline where her name is aeris?

Yup that's it, keep thinking exactly the way they want you to.

I desperately don't want multiple endings. If Nomura is going to fuck it all up, stick to one true ending where Aerith and Cloud die together and live happily in the lifestream

Obviously, yes.

Yes, the ghosts are trying to ensure that the game is the exact same as the original but Sephiroth keeps fucking things up for them.

it's not good

Shill is a fucking understatement.

Max is a successful streamer and he's super vanilla to boot. He's not only a shill, but he has long since been bought and paid for by people promoting shit. Don't expect any honesty and truth from him or anyone else with online success except those that have nothing to lose and can afford to be honest just because they simply can.

Yes. You even fight Mystery Nigga mini bosses of 1997 Cloud, Tifa, and Barret

>he doesn't know
The entire point of the ghosts was to be a stand-in for puristfags. You fucking KILL them at the end of the game telling those same purists to fuck off. Next game will be pure kino.

Aerith will live.

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They have acknowledged the entire compliation is at the very least soft canon. The lab the plot ghosts push Cloud of is from Dirge and tons of bits are grabbed from Crisis Core (banora white, the entire zack scene, aerith being afraid of the sky). Not to mention the straight up AC screencaps they threw into the final bosses


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I'm worried they are going to change how she dies in an attempt to bait in switch you. But the problem with that is her original death scene is just so good nothing they do will ever live up to it.

>left: more troopers with worse equipment, Zack's Buster Sword got a ceremonial golden crossguard
>right: less troopers with better equipment, Zack's Buster Sword got a practical metallic crossguard
Seems like Remake/Zack lives Shinra is more competent than CC Shinra at least.

no shit she will live, the entire original's themeing and tone is being thrown out to make way for literal fanfiction. its inserting kingdom hearts directly into ff7's ballsack

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Some bits I actually liked, but others are shit. "Boy oh boy the price of freedom is STEEP" being the worst offender and first thing we hear from him.

>thinking they won't let her live longer not just for sadness but to sell merch

She's 3rd most popular FF character in japan user, she's going to be in the game more. Not to mention Sephiroth knows his downfall was killing Aerith, why would he do it all again in the new timeline?

It’s the same with MvC:I.

okay, lets say that happens
how does the ending change? its only because of her that the lifestream with holy fends off meteor, without that boost the entire world gets fucked
ive heard that the party messed around too long looking for the huge materia, and that's why meteor was able to be summoned in the first place. guess i need to play it again to understand that part

It's actually more likely they're the advent children

>literally plot armor in the shape as ghosts

>Buy game expecting a somewhat faithful remake
>Turns out to be about Sephiroth changing history and the game goes off the rails
Literally what were they thinking?

Butterfly effect, a lot of shit can lead to his downfall or victory. Aerith dying but other stuff being different may be the result he wants.

>Roche joins the party
>Aeris is the final villain of the final game

They're gone now user, the whole point of this game was to get rid of them so you don't know who's gonna live or die just based on the original.

>Cloud and company follow their timeline as normal.
>Sephiroth edits the timeline.
>Time ghosts attack cloud and company.
>Cloud and company follow the timeline.
>Time ghosts attack cloud and company.
>Sephiroth edits the timeline some more.
>Time ghosts attack cloud and company.
>Cloud and company say fuck this shit, try to leave the timeline.
>Time ghosts attack cloud and company - the timeline must be maintained.
This is the worst writing I've ever seen in a videogame. Protagonists literally end up inadvertently changing the timeline due to the actions of time ghosts whose only purpose for existence is supposed to be to prevent the changes in timeline. The time ghosts are literally a self-inducing time paradox. Without their intervention to prevent the protagonists from changing the timeline , the protagonists would have never changed the timeline.
Anyone defending this shit is a fucking retard. I don't even object the concept of timeghosts, but they were horribly implemented with zero thought or planning, almost as if they were a last minute addition with no forethought put into them.

>2nd disk plays out normally until Aeriths death where cloud saves her moments before Sephiroth kill her

>All of the weapon battles are like the Rock Titan from KH3

>Toward the end of the game the party realizes they're in the bad end timeline where Aerith can's use the life stream to save the planet

>Aerith goes back in time to sacrifice herself

>Safer Sephiroth is akin to an MMO boss battle with AOE attacks telegraphed by giant red circles on the ground

>Sephiroth is redeemed or has a change of heart by the end of the game

>In the final scene while the party celebrates there is a moment where Zack Aerith and Sephiroth are seen together in spirit form, think Return of The Jedi

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>its only because of her that the lifestream with holy fends off meteor
Not him, but this is easily fixed. The reason holy needed the lifestream's help was because holy appeared TOO LATE, so all they got to do is simply attack Sephiroth a day earlier and they won't even need the help of the lifestream.

I honestly hope so. I want this to be a big fuck you to everyone that has made fun of her death for the last 20 years. There's already enough death and suffering in FF7 as a whole, the new story can be about actually moving on

It's not the same though...

more like
>literally (You)

They were thinking ahead. Who the fuck would wait until 2023 to get the second part and then again until almost the end of next-gen to get the 3rd part if it was just a faithful remake?
Now at least people have something to talk about and don't know exactly what will happen next, even though most of the main beats will probably be the same, there's something fresh waiting around the corner.

i would bet money she doesnt die at the temple anymore


Oh fuck I totally forgot that they showed Cait Sith for a second

>implying Sephiroth is even the final villain
Were you even paying attention to the story? Sephiroth will team up with you in the 3rd game to defeat the true threat. He is testing Cloud.

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>Cloud doesn't immediately join Barret in second bombing mission
>Time Ghosts attack to make sure Cloud does
>Cloud tries to kill Reno after beating him
>Time Ghosts attack to stop him
Try paying attention.

whos to say aerith needs to be dead to control the lifestream? if sephiroth can control it while living why couldnt aerith, a real cetra?

Why are you surprised? All this is showing is that most of the population is retarded.

Its not so much the protagonists intentionally changing things but others fucking things up like they are not supposed to be at X point due to Seph fucking things around.

Sort of like how Hojo was going to spill the beans that Cloud wasn't part of SOLDIER too early so the ghosts kicked his ass out

You are now picturing Reeve sitting at his desk controlling Cait Sith with a remote controller, deliberately making him kneel down and pound his fist against the ground.

>the rest of the game is a straightforward 1:1 remake
>the ghosts and fate aren't mentioned at all
>in the final credits it's Nomura's face superimposed across the screen and after the final credit, he says "fuck you"

Nomura said on twitter last summer even he does not how the story is going to play out. they are just winging it.

>some people will defend the time jannies
Nomura does it again

I want to play part 2 right now. It's going to suck major balls if it takes 3+ years

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So who will the final villain be if not Sephiroth? Genesis? Aerith? Something else?

I'm assuming he's actually wearing a VR headset like Chadley gives you, or some kind of mocap suit.

They had to flash to that goofy mother fucker in case you were actually starting to feel something.

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he'll be a guest character. his playstyle is too weird to be a full party member. Maybe you'll get him in part 3 with Vincent, but part 2 will be Yuffie, Cid and Red

Nomura himself

ff7 remake is just the first stage of the new dissidia/kino hearts universe. all of the classic ff games will get remade along the same lines, and it will all converge into a big crossover game oce they're done.

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Most of the assets are already there. Right off the bat, the game is 25%+ "done".

this is such a prime example of showing off too much shit too early, new players aren't going to know who the fuck this is and its such a retarded looking character out of context that it practically destroys any and all tension

>>Cloud doesn't immediately join Barret in second bombing mission
>>Time Ghosts attack to make sure Cloud does
1: You have zero idea what would happen if ghosts didn't intervene.
2: Cloud didn't try changing the timeline, he has no notion of alternate timelines at this point and was simply following the timeline.
>>Cloud tries to kill Reno after beating him
>>Time Ghosts attack to stop him
1: Aerith was also trying to stop him
2: You have no idea what would happen
Get your head out of your ass nigger, don't tell others to pay attention if you're too retarded to pay fucking attention.

That's just more of that bullshit that I keep talking about, it feels so tacked on it's horribly written, there's nobody altering the timeline there, there were no ghosts dragging people around in the original timeline, the biggest impact on the timeline are the fucking ghosts.


>press square to yell into a megaphone and build ATB
>abilities are dice rolls

>tfw fucking Sora shows up out of nowhere in Part 2 as part of a side quest

It's a boss rush of the entire Kingdom Hearts fanbase

>Yozora over Noctis

They should've cut this nigger. He really doesn't work in realistic graphics.

It will be Jenova controlling a sephiroth corpse in his final form after he's killed himself

>Crisis Core isn't canon.
zack's last stand was in the original game, based retard.

Jenova, you dip.

Isn't that just the normal final boss of the original

I actually thought they might redesign him to look like a real cat, but then lol