This game was kinda lame

This game was kinda lame

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only 3d mario game i played and it turned me off from trying the others... admittedly good visuals and art style, it felt like i was playing a recent pixar movie, but i just thought it was boring and i think it has to do with the nature of 3d platforms than anything unique to the game itself...

It’s very boring, yes. I beat it within 3 days and got my money back afterwards. It’s a shame too because Galaxy was my favorite Mario game and I was expecting this to be as good if not better.

I grew up and always loved mario games. This game clearly has soul and effort put into it, the graphics and artsyle are beautiful. But after playing games my whole life I find it hard to enjoy mario nowadays, atleast odyssey. Its just so mindnumbingly easy for someone who actually plays video games every day as a hobby. The visual specatcle was nice but its not enough for me to actually like a game. I dont know if its a problem just with odyssey though. If I went back to sunshine or galaxy I dontknow if i would enjoy them either, despite loving them as a teen.

Just play the n64 version

ok zoomer

glad im not the only one who feels that way. i hate to be a nostalgia fag but id rather play sunshine or 64 than play odyssey. something about it just feels kinda soulless but i cant put my finger on it.

The game was kinda gay for the most part. The main returning boss is female bowser as a rabbit in granma clothes.

...uh, epic?

Its a game for 10 year olds. What did you expect?

It’s an insanely boring collectathon that constantly has to remind you that you’re playing Mario.

I just went back and played Sunshine, it was piss easy but i still love it. It's okay to come to terms with the fact that you're playing a game for children and then trying to analyze it as if it were made for adults.

>constantly has to remind you that you’re playing Mario

it's......a mario game..
are you really that triggered by the 2d sections?

But literally nobody else thinks of it that way. I’d have a hard time imagining that even a kid would be invested enough to finish this game fully.

You're mom was kinda lame...

10 year olds play GTAV, Minecraft, Fortnite, CSGO and League of Legends. They generally dislike singleplayer games.

Super Mario Odyssey is a series for millenials and gen X'ers. All data points to this.

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>Makes you spell the word Mario in New Donk City
>Takes you on a nostalgia trip through Donkey Kong.
>Constant references to previous games like Mario 64

This game is constantly reminding you of it. Without that, it’s boring and soulless.

the movement rocks, it's a shame the game rarely asks you to use it to its full potential

Fossil Falls, Wooded Kingdom, New Donk City...the music is so good

>name the city New Donk City
>even has a skyscraper
>Pauline returns
>perfect moment for Donkey Kong to show up, kidnap Pauline and climp atop the building King Kong style for perfect kino
>instead we get a gay musical segment with a 1920's orchestra

fucking why

The game is fun yeah but the moons feel like coins there's so many

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that's a cope

That's the switch curse.
well this game was kinda lame
>breath of the wild
Well this game was kinda lame
>Astral chain
well this game was kinda lame
>Mario kart 8
Well this game was kinda lame
>cringeblade chronicles two
Well this game was never good.

Name one game that wasn't lame in hindsight on the switch.


This argument is retarded. An email survey most likely answered by people in their twenties who dont even have kids. People who grew up with mario and didnt develop their tastes still play mario games, but the main audince is still little kids, like not fortnite kids (13 year olds), actual 5-10 year old kids. This is irrefutable.

fpbp (fifth post best post)

It's not a survey but data mined from the Nintendo accounts.

BotW was interesting, even if its heavily unbalanced and had weird priorities. Mario kart and smash is always fun with friends, better than any other iteration for that purpose imo. Agree with everything else though

I loved my botw playthrough don't get me wrong on that post. Just that in hindsight there wasn't much to BOTW and it wasn't really much of a Zelda game either. It's not a Zelda game I feel like I would ever replay either.

And yeah Smash breaks the curse.

>Note: Email survey targeted persons who had associated a Nintendo Account with their Nintendo Switch.

i beat it multiple times as a child, what are you talking about.
MOST people think of games that way, people seee games as something for children and young teens. when was the last time you saw two adults that werent parents playing a console in the commercials


I struggle to dislike BotW despite its many obvious and design flaws. I have distinct memories from that game that are fond, like childhood gaming memories. But i remember being burnt out toward the end where i got inceasingly annoyed by a bunch of shit in it. Its special in some way but I dont feel like replaying it either because the initial excitement and discovery wouldnt be there, which is like the games whole appeal.

I remain optimistc for BotW 2 though. Since they have the groundwork laid out they have so much time to just add more interesting content to the game (BotWs biggest problem imo, there are shit tons of shrines and seeds, but its all low effort and not interesting) add more enemy variety and more interesting rewards, aswell as dungeons/shrines with actual themes and more interesting and unique bosses. Then I could see it being my favourite zelda game. They might double down on what they have now though, or not evolve the concept enough and it might be one of the worst zelda games.

Oh yeah I'm buying botw 2 day one as well. Honestly? I can't wait for it. I want to see how they improve the formula.

I'm hopeful.

Mainstream games like Mario yes. There are games aimed more towards adults but they are more niche, not something that gets commercials with people in them, or even commercials at all besides trailers and gameplay previews.

I stopped playing when I realized that you're supposed to use detached joycons to get the full move set.

i know that's my point.

Why is nintendo SO BAD at games for the Switch?
The only good games are both on the Wii U... what fucking gives?
And now there's news of them porting another boring fucking MARIO game???

Kids under 16 arent gonna check their email stupid