Resident evil thread

I hadn’t played Code Veronica in over a decade, so I played it again to see if the haters were right. They’re not. Other than a lack of difficulty choices, it doesn’t have any real problems. Only adhd zoomers hate this.

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t. Steve

It’s fucking terrible

Code Veronica is great, it's just exhausting how punishing it is. I always felt it was the hardest of all RE games.

Finished my replay yesterday, bro. It's good but the character swtiches are retardedly bad and can lock you into boss with with Chris totally unprepared.

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You're right OP, most underrate game in the series. Even steve being annoying cunt adds an element of charm to it.

0 is on harder is harder, CV is pretty generous with how little damage most enemies do

RE0 on hard is by far the hardest, I'd say CV is next though.

>Even steve being annoying cunt adds an element of charm to it.
No it doesn't

You guys are probably right, I've tried playing 0 five times and can never get more than thirty minutes in. It always seemed punishing for the bits I played but I really didn't dig the game

Hell I’d wager 0 on normal might be harder, that game is punishing

Why is Claire fucking her brother again

>Only adhd zoomers hate this
In actuality most people who hate it like other classic RE games. CV can suck my hair nutsack

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Ammo is scarce and you need double the healing items which are pretty rare. I love 0 for all the planning you have to do for that reason

She’s not. Pic related, however, totally did, or rather, would have, had Alfred not died right after Alexia woke up.

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Didnt have to replay it to know it. It's one of my fave entries in the franchise.

CV sucks and I'm tired of you contrarians defending it.

In what ways is it bad?

They're just parroting their favorite youtuber.

Homing zombies and you can fuck yourself later on if you don't get enough ammo in the early parts. Gameplay was worse than the playstation games.

>Gameplay was worse than the playstation games.

Git gud

RE3 is the worst classic RE and CV is the second best

3D environments were a mistake. They're all sterile and use the same monochromatic gray wall texture for every hallway you're in. Just retracing your steps to find a previous room you were in is a nightmare.

I was 15 when this game came out.
I hated it back then, I hate it now.

you literally had to put them wrong way around, huh ?

that's a long time to stay a faggot
CV on Dreamcast through VGA out looks beautiful. I'm a big fan of pre-rendered backgrounds, FFVIII blew my mind as a kid, as did the RE games, but CV has enough tech and love behind it to do 3d right and look great.

RE3 is shit

>SEGA cuks still seething

3 is literally the best one of the PS1 games, which are the very top of this entire IP.
Get sex.

>asset flip of 2 is the best one of the PS1 games
ok retard

I just beat CVX for the first time recently. I didn't think it was bad, but it didn't really stand out to me compared to the other REs.
The main things I didn't like were the bug enemies being annoying, and the areas mostly looking washed out or grey because of the fog, but I didn't get why people hated it.

>asset flip
RE3 literally does not recycle a single asset.
Keep seething, cuk.

This is the most retarded thing I’ve heard in awhile

Only demake fags hate it