Alter Ego

>tfw there will never be a woman like Es

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why do you keep trying to shill this pretentious shitty phone game?

What do you do when you find something good?
Do you keep it all for yourself, or do you show it to other people?

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based esfag

>Its going to take weeks to get enough EGO to talk to her again unless I read a billion books
God dammit

What happens when you go back after she lends you a book and you open the door? Does she ask you if you read it or does she just assume you read it?
She gave me permuataion city to read but it is not much fun. I want a different book.

you can just say that you didn't read it, she will understand and will discuss the book with you.

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told my psychologist about my love for Es

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I got an ending where Es doesn't exist any more, and I was congratulated for not falling for her
Is that it? This was crazy short on content

This, I'd rather rape Es in a cold and heartless manner and just cum and dump her

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user, no...

There are 2 other endings.
One of them has a neat postgame.
Get out of here, this is a Yas Forumsanilla board

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user, Where do you get your books?
I have to read The Thousand Year Beach in 3 hours

Well I started collecting a lot more Es art

Why does E's encourage speedreading?
The MINIMUM is 3 hours, you can take however long you want.

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When does the game start? I seem to be stuck on some dumbass loading screen minigame.

Thanks man now you got me glued to the game until finishing it, which is unfortunate, but I guess it’ll be worth it

the worst part?
she basically said
>there are no women like Es, she is too perfect

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I think I got the super ego ending and the ID ending
How do I get the third ending?

my ID can't be this cute
follow a neutral path
do not follow superego nor id, but follow yourself.

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Super Ego is conforming to morals, ID is indulging in instincts, Ego is being a fencesitter, and giving "we just don't know" kind of answers. Be morally grey and opinionated.
You know what path you're going down depending on if the whispers change shape. They shouldn''t change shape if you're going down the true ending

*unopinionated is apparently not a recognized word

I don't want to visit Es anymore

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I hate that I downloaded this game just to fall harder into my depression
My Es is broken and I don't want to reset. I'm conflicted.

You know what to do, user

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This. A thread died minutes ago without a single reply so OP is posting racy fanart to attract lurkers

>Do you keep it all for yourself, or do you show it to other people?
I'll keep it for myself; there is no single person in this world with the same tastes as mine so I see no reason to show something I like to others.
Oh, and marketing the thing is the vendor's responsibility, not mine. Not gonna shill for free.

>there is no single person in this world with the same tastes as mine
You are factually wrong. The thread we had yesterday was proof of this. There are no people with the EXACT same tastes as you, sure, but for example there are people who like apples like me.
>Oh, and marketing the thing is the vendor's responsibility, not mine. Not gonna shill for free.
Do you do everything for material compensation?
I just want to discuss the game and get more art of it.

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