Final Fantasy

I want to get into FF, which game has the best gameplay?

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keep projecting barry

This one.

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VII Remake. Come at me, faggots.

Anything before VII feel really slow in the turn-based combat. My favorite before VII is IV. Most people's favorite before VII is VI.

VII and onward If I picked 4: VII, IX, X, XII
if I picked 3: VII, IX, XII
if i picked 2: VII, IX
Just one: VII

VII is the universal "favoritest FF ever". Everyone has opinions on this, and age of adoption for the series effects this a lot. People a little older than me (I'm 33) generally like VI more than VII. People my age like VII a lot. Zoomers seem to like X the most.

X has good combat, but I find the main character to be insufferable, and the plot and setting to be uninteresting for the most part.

XII has a completely different style of combat that really pissed a lot of people off, but I like it, and I really enjoyed the setting and art style

VII is pretty much great all around.

IX is pretty much great all around.

Get VII if you like industrial stuff a lot. Get IX if you like fantasy more.

I can't, it's a genuinely fun game that got me to actually get me play the original FF7 game.

gameplay? V, hands down

V has the best gameplay and the best characters

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unironically this

1 and 5 are your best bet.

15's logo is so fucking beautiful


Play the original versions in order starting at 1.

That's an amazing game and you have great tastes , user. But what about 4?

>play original II
Why do you want user to give up before the SNES games?


Come on man at least let him play the GBA/PSP versions.


5, 10, 12 and Tactics have the best gameplay.
10 is extremely beginner friendly and a good place to start. You can't go wrong with 4, 6 or 7 either.

X > VII > XII > XIV > IX > VI > XI > IV > XIII > VIII > III > I > II > shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> XV

>12 has the best gameplay
Sure if you enjoy watching the game play itself

>V not found
>XIII having better gameplay than I or III
>MMOs having better gameplay than any of the mainline games
Poor bait user

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anything between 4 and 10 is a solid choice aside from 8, I'd start with 6, 7, or 10

12 is also pretty good and tactics is the best game in the series

7R has the best gameplay but you should never play it before the original
FF isn't a series for great gameplay, generally speaking, so just pick whichever one has the most appealing story and visuals to you.

You say that as though FF has engaging gameplay. XII at least has the decency to spare your X button the constant mashing, and where it counts- in the optional boss fights- you need to micromanage your party to a tee if you don't wanna get fucked over.

Start with VII since it's the most broadly representative of the rest of the series. After that play the original and the SNES games, then jump to IX (which you'll appreciate a lot more for having played the early games). Play X after that, and if you still want more, play III, VIII, XII, XV, and maybe II

Setting up the game to make it play itself and seeing a plan come together is the fun part. I won't disagree that the actual execution can be boring sometimes, especially in the bigger story areas like sandsea. There's just a lot of really good fights that make full use of the mechanics that got even better with the job system.

V was meant to be after IV. And just because you didn't play XI and XIV, doesn't mean that their gameplay sucks


You are 100% correct

Depends on what you want. X-2 is the absolute pinnacle of turn based combat in the series.

but it's not even turn based

tictacs, or 6.

V and X-2
this is not up to debate, and that's coming from a VIfag

Out of the mainline games in terms of just gameplay not story. No contest its 10.
Anything with the FF brand I probably had the most fun playing Dissidia 012. My personal favorite is Tactics.

I have over a thousand hours in XIV and the gameplay is just worse than any mainline FF game except maybe XII and XIII. Lets not pretend that we play XIV for anything but the story

1 on PSP/GBA, 5 on GBA with sound restoration, X (version doesn't matter) and XIV

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Since this is a Final Fantasy thread
>Get FFIX on PC
>When I open the game, I just get a black screen with a part of the border on the bottom right
What do?

Just emulate the ps1 version like a normal person.

the spinoff final fantasy tactics has the best gameplay and story of any final fantasy

>Get FFIX on PC

Trick question. FF has several "ages". The golden age is represented by VII no matter what anyone says. While it´s not the best it´s the default one for anyone that wants to know what the franchise was know for in the 90´s.
Those who prefer old school FF would recomend VI, IV or IX (this last one being a tribute to what FF used to be).
XII is another good starting point. It´s an underdog, an ugly cousin, a black sheep, that one girl everyone knows has herpes. It´s the transition game that is not loved neither by those that loved old school FF nor by those loing nu-SE-trainwreck FF. Midway between ATB and action oriented, between cute bishonen bait and a more adult story, between silly questing and linear story telling. Hated by most, this FF represents both past and future in a very bizzarre way.
VII-R, it´s hip, it´s posh and is here to stay. This is what FF is now and what will probably be for the next decade or so. It also ties directly to VII in an attempt to make you play that if you haven´t yet.

Unironically this. The story is easily the worst in any FF, but the moment to moment interactions with your buds are great, there’s no fucking waifu or furry or elf shit, and the combat is straightforward instead of needlessly complicated.

t. Barry

Not him but Moguri mod makes it worth it

/ffg/ has a pastebin on what the recommended version for each game is, so I was going off of that.
Might just end up emulating it instead though if I can't fix this.