>there will never again be a From Soft game with invasion pvp because redditfaggots got their feelings hurt by it
I can't take it bros.
There will never again be a From Soft game with invasion pvp because redditfaggots got their feelings hurt by it
Other urls found in this thread:
elden ring will have pvp
Dark Souls 3 invasions were series pvp peak
The only people saying Ds2 had better pvp are duel fags
PVP ruined the game's balance and Miyazaki is aware of it. All of the DS3 weapons had to abide by a gradient of mediocrity in order to not be "OP" by PVP standards, thus limiting the amount of diversity for those wanting to experiment with niche "builds".
Yeah i agree.
DS2 objectively had the most build variety, but that doesn't help when the game is otherwise ruined by shit controls, soul memory, no full REO and shit matchmaking.
Mid level DS3 invasions are god tier.
>PVP ruined the game's balance
How? Every single weapons in 3 is viable in PvE.
All the weapons that were busted in PVP were also too good in PVE, there was a reason so many people used shit like the launch Dark Sword to almost cheese the game.
I do agree that there are negatives though, i really think they shouldn't have nerfed bleed for example.
DS3 pvp is boring. Matches take forever because everyone has 15 estus flasks and you can heal instantly.
Learn to rollcatch and punish estus sippers, people who spam that shit die faster than anyone else if you're good.
To add, the boss invasion glitch was a level of kino previously thought to be unobtainable
Unironically get good, learn how to roll catch and stop watching ultra passive pussies pvping on youtube
It's hard to roll catch when your host has 2 phantoms with shortswords on you at all times. If you kill them the most will just summon more because DS3 is terrible. It's not about being good, it's just bad game design. Even DS1 pvp is more fun.
God i miss that glitch.
Unpatched Dark Souls 3 was god tier, honestly so much more fun in so many ways.
No it isn't you just suck
>wtf why are things stacked against me when i invade
You are not cut out to be an invader, go back to the arena.
>Even DS1 pvp is more fun.
You have subhuman intelligence.
But PvP was dogshit, I lost count of the number of invaders using lag switches and hacks. Could at least keep that garbage in a pure multiplayer mode where it belongs instead of having it shit up my single player experience.
>Everyone has 15 estus flasks
Hunter's charms
>Matches take forever
Yeah, if you decide to entertain their bullshit. There's nothing wrong with ambushing gank squads, separating them and fucking up the host.
Avelyn + exploding bolts is the fastest way to fuck people up. That or low level invading with boss weapons, since a lot of them have low stat requirements.
>there will never be a fun and strong magic system in a From Soft game because pvpniggers keep crying about it
DS3 is the Call of Duty of Souls games. It's shallow, linear trash specifically designed for the lowest common denominator.
>>there will never again be a From Soft game with invasion pvp
why are you soulsfaggots such drama queens
From literally made one game since DS3 (Deracine doesn't count)
Calm your fucking tits
Invaders are supposed to provide a challenge for the host. They're supposed to provide an aspect of unpredictability to the game. DS3 completely ignored that so the game would be more accessible.
It was also barely present in Bloodborne, it's clear that pvp is something Miyazaki wants to move away from.
It makes sense from his perspective since it means he doesn't need to balance the game around online interactions, and it doesn't even have builds like Sekiro, then the entire game can be tailored around a specific toolset.
I strongly doubt they're gonna go out of their way to bring pvp back in Elden Ring when most people didn't even like it.
Hexes were great, but ultimately fucked in ds2 pvp.
At least ds3 weapon arts let you fuck around if you make fait, int or dex builds.
Demon's Souls had the best invasions because they didn't complicate it and didn't bother to appease duelfags
Prove me wrong
If Elden Ring doesn't have pvp it will probably be forgotten just as quickly as Sekiro was.
Yeah i agree. The lack of builds made that problem even bigger since it meant Sekiro had almost no replay value.
Sadly that seems to be what critics and Fromsoft prefer.
>Retard can't accept he's shit at invading so he thrashes his arms and legs pouting
good stuff
>Criticise a game's design
ds1 original pvp was perfect and i don't know why they ever changed it. the game is designed around 1v1 combat, gank squads should not be a fucking thing.
But DS1 duels are shit and DS1 ganks are even worse, idk what makes you like it.
DS3 is better both in terms of duels and ganks.
DS3 was tailor-made for zoomers and Redditors. It's linear because DS1's map was confusing. Invaders were nerfed because people whined about them. The fact that you like it says more about you than it does me.
>Dark Souls 3 invasions were series pvp peak
there's no incentive to use embers so i'd play through 90% of the game unkindled and never get invaded.
Most hosts I invade would either disconnect or send phantoms to kill me and then disconnect when I killed them. Sad but true.
overbalancing is boring, it makes it feel like your choices don't matter/it isn't worth the work to acquire a unique weapon
>I can't roll catch!
>It's too hard to time!
>How am I supposed to deal with TWO players at once!
>Invasions used to be fun when it was easy mode! NOW IT'S RUINED!
You're shit, accept it and move on.
>DS3 was buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
Do you argue like this outside of Yas Forums as well?