You guys ever get PTSD from video games?
You guys ever get PTSD from video games?
The absolute STATE of nintendies.
>""""""abusive Ex""""""
Why are f*males such lying cancer?
I wish I was a happy nu-male with my Nintendos.
Instead, I'm just a sad PC neckbeard
Nintendies make good long term relationship. In other words beta male
same guy btw
Women's rights were a mistake.
I don't understand, who is nu4chan trying to impress with it's Twitter screencap-acquiered "knowledge" about women?
>getting over PTSD caused by a traumatic experience while also bonding with your husband and daughter
huh, good for her
charge your phone faggot
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger :)
>the absolute state of w*men
Yeah, good for her. She is able to trap some beta provider to take care of her damaged ass while cheating on him with her """""""abusive ex""""""", I guess.
>marrying a woman with (((ptsd))) from a (((abusive ex)))
So do you think he's a willing cuck or does she keep it secret?
>good looking
It's about the so called optics.
Since Yas Forums is now part of the massive Amerimutt joke that is the culture war, now people here can't afford making jokes about being virgins and unironically larp as stereotypical jocks.
Thing is, people here are autistic, so their larp comes off as a parody more than real outgoing people.
It's as if people thought the "My name is John" copypasta was realistic or something.
Oh no no no
Isn't it hilarious how people here have failed at life so goddamn much that the first thing you think of when you see a relationship is cheating?
Maybe that's why this place is full of cucks, you are starting to fetishize failure.
nu4chan is the gift that keeps on giving.
what the fuck
It's not fetishizing anything, it's reality. Every female cheats, every female lies, every female is cancer. Yes even your dearest mommy, granny and sister.
what a catch that woman seems like!
Damn, i'm impressed America, you haven't spoken using stereotypes like "stacey" or "chad", you millennials must be real social butterflies now.
holy fuck
is this real?
Millennial degeneracy knows no bounds.
They see even dying loved ones as tools to jerk their own ego.
Guys are just as bad in their own ways. Most humans deserve to be wiped off the face of the earth.
After searching the title no, the guy did post his dying wife to get reddit points but then a bunch of people apparently recaptioned and submitted it
wtf I look exactly like this minus the orc nose and glasses (and also had the exact same bluetooth headphones before, Jaybird X3 iirc)
I only have a PS4 and a Vita, though. No nintendo faggotry
>plays wow to the point of giving ptsd
>impregnates 16 year girl
>cucks some beta bitch male
the ex sounds like an uber chad
Oh you are that zoomer crying about millennials and mutts again like a schizo. Are you the swiss one or the slav one?
It's very obviously an edit, but I don't have the original.
The original was them spending their last moments together
What the fuck is this, other than a chinese virus hotspot?
>back then
>bigwigs coercing their workers to live in communities and use monopoly money was seen as an injustice and abuse of power
>millenials and zoomers willingly give up their freedom to do the same thing for google and facebook
I bought the Crash Trilogy/Racing bundle. Started playing Crash 1 last night and had a moment of panic on the boulder level (even though I knew what to do) since it scared me as a kid.
No, you millennials are doing what you do best: taking your flaws and trying to flaunt them as some kind of virtue.
For example, you are a generation of lazy bastards.
How do you make yourselves not look like just a bunch of lazy fucks?
You claim that you are communists and that you want free money for everyone because you think that's what's fair.
You can't find a decent couple, so what do you do? You say that everyone in the opposite gender is a whore/mysoginyst patriarchal etc etc, and try to make almost a political movement out of it.
You are the biggest posers and pedantics ever.
It's just a fucking hostel, relax
Was it autism?
That's the kind of living that millennials are being brainwashed to accept.
No intimacy, no family, no hobbies, nothing.
Just a whole bunch of people living in a warehouse so they work 24/7 for Jewgle or whatever other billionaire company that needs more billions.