Friendly reminder that boomers had graphics like this

Friendly reminder that boomers had graphics like this

Attached: boot_022.png (320x200, 4.84K)

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You must be talking about actual baby boomers.

Literally prefer that to muh realism bloom/cluttered visual design maymay

Go tell the bitch you have for a dad, maybe he'll care.

you don't understand, those were the only colors we had 40 years ago. trannies are appropriating boomer culture!

>he isn't an amigachad
Pic related is a demo from 1984. Consolekids and ibmfags cant compete.

Attached: unnamed.gif (512x366, 90.06K)

Lets talk about games zoomer have never enjoyed

Attached: file.png (460x215, 249.98K)

>this is the golden age boom booms tell you that you missed out on


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Are the old King's Quest games worth going back to? Are they worth playing without a guide? I love point and click adventures, but only ever played the Lucas Arts types where you can't fuck yourself over and get stuck.

didn't even notice, does anyone know if the remaster is any good? Fuck I think I still have the original cd laying around somewhere.

Attached: file.png (320x200, 164.51K)

Why do you think boomers are so mad at trannies? They literally stole their colors from them

Ancient gamer here and not gonna lie, there's something to be said for games which are visually open to interpretation and allow your imagination to fill in the blanks. I kinda miss it sometimes.

Attached: 5063130_ml.jpg (1641x1144, 253.14K)

not really, it's the same game but with a filter on top. though not as unnoticeable as grim fandango's remaster

Attached: woh.jpg (1016x568, 237.26K)

You can still play old games user and enjoy them.
Better yet as we grow older we'll forget what was in some of them and it will be like rediscovering them all over again.

Games didn't really get good on PC until after we left the cyan and pink era

Attached: 974847-street-rod-2-the-next-generation-dos-screenshot-first-car.png (320x200, 9.19K)

Why didn't they just pick better colors? I get that it was probably hardware locked to only two, but why these two?

Some games allowed you to pick between several CGA themes or they switched for cutscenes etc

Attached: bigstarglider.png (1170x614, 10.44K)

I could have sworn I saw this exact screenshot on here but with a full color pallet.

pure distilled soul

I have no clue how many people played computer games with CGA graphics back in the late 20th century. The first computer I had growing up was a Tandy computer and that had normal colors and then we had Windows 95.

I've only ever seen old games being displayed with only Cyan and Magenta during this decade specifically.

I had to watch this video in order to understand what the hell I was looking at:

Color was not the problem, the problem is that most of those games ran like shit

Zoomers pretending to be boomers don't know shit

Attached: LOOK.png (1280x400, 57.98K)

you think that's bad?
try CGA/EGA in a monochrome screen, it's all I got as a kid during the early 90s until I got a pentium on 1996

Attached: 1570919957337.jpg (1280x720, 77.57K)

CGA and hercules were primary for text readablility. The fact that it could be used for games was an afterthought.

Yep now that's a car.

Attached: sq.png (320x240, 36.94K)

literal soul

you think that's bad?
I had a monochrome hercules card with a green display and I ran cga games with a cga emulator.

Attached: 1561635046975.jpg (2000x1436, 447.38K)