I only threw this xbone controller twice and it's already broken, wtf is this trash, how does microsoft get away with it??
I only threw this xbone controller twice and it's already broken, wtf is this trash...
Just put some tape over the hole and it'll work fine
it's clearly printed on the box to only throw it once retard
you're going to by a new one right?
Twice and it looks like this? weakling
I've thrown my DS4 zero times and its lasted almost 6 years still going.
Checkmate xboners.
Why do you throw your controllers? Do you have anger management issues?
maybe dont throw your controllers then you fucking stupid monkey
>I only threw my $30 controller twice out of my frustration of anger and it’s already broken.
If you weren't a weak, limp-wristed faggot it would have broken on the first throw.
>I only threw it twice
just don’t fucking throw it lmaoooooooo
TWICE!? Personally, if a controller of mine breaks in less than 10 throws I'm on the phone to my lawyers.
More proof gamers are a bunch of faggy children
That's one more throw than you deserve. Next time you throw something and it doesn't break, go get a hammer and finish the job, you damn pussy.
Throw it again it might fix it
top kekk
>Destroying your own property because you're too autistic to control your own anger
You deserve it, retard.
What is the purpose of xbox? They have Halo, and that's pretty much it.
When you get mad just punch yourself in the dick instead of breaking your shit. That's what i do
I'm not here to conversate.
>for that
Lmao wow okay faggot, good luck with your transition therapy
>being this beta
Lmao ok nerds what do you do when you get mad? Say “darn it!” Or something under your breath? This is why women won’t fuck you lol
This is literally a nigger mentality.
2 throws? Pathetic. I’ve broken my controller without throwing it. I’m so autistic, I can break them with the weight of my grip. Beat that, retard.
I don't lose so I don't get mad. Try that.
Underrated quip.
>"I'm PROUD of being an autistic sperg who breaks his toys, anyone who doesn't is just some beta lol"
>"But I also come to Yas Forums to cry when my toy is broken because I broke it."
Yeah I'm sure you make all the pussies wet when you break your TV for the fifth time because some 12 year old beat your ass in Call of Duty.
You just suck at life and at video games, stop complaining on this board and go back to taking up the ass from your dead beat father you sack of shit. Also your mother is a 2-bit whore.
Stay mad cucks. How about you watch in the corner while I break your gf’s(implying you have one) pussy by throwing my bbc into it twice
>Lmao ok nerds what do you do when you get mad?
You want my advice.
Just don’t get act like an autistic retard over a fucking vidya!
Right, i'm sure you get all the pussy when you show women how hard to you can yeet a controller across the room in a rage fueled by getting mad at video games
>Lmao ok nerds what do you do when you get mad? Say “darn it!” Or something under your breath?
I say things like nigger, fucker, niggerfucker, nigger cunt, and faggot nigger
you should try it instead of throwing your controller like a nigger
>stay mad
I'm not the one throwing temper tantrums and breaking my shit like a child lmfao