If you were hired to make a new Zelda game, how would you get the series back to its roots?

If you were hired to make a new Zelda game, how would you get the series back to its roots?

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>how would you get the series back to its roots?
I'd make botw

But BotW doesn't feel like old Zelda at all.

>But BotW doesn't feel like old Zelda at all.

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>real zelda

It was the last classic Zelda game.

I'd create a fairly large open world with obtuse clues to extremely hidden secrets that starts with you naked in a field before some old guy that was perving on you gives you some clothes and a wooden sword

Yeah, Zelda II and beyond. It feels exactly like Zelda 1 minus dungeons.

Which is how it would be fixed primarily - dungeons and all that they entail.

I love Wind Waker as much as the next guy, but come on man. The game's significantly easier combat wise and dungeon wise compared to any previous entry, not to mention there's only 5 actual dungeons due to half of them being cut.

It's good in its own way. I'm not gonna pretend it's particularly difficult, but it doesn't need to be in order to be an experience. Also, there's 7 dungeons.

well id i was making a Zelda game I would not worry what some old ass virgin thinks about a kids game.

Zelda is for everyone.

>7 dungeons
Forsaken Fortress is kinda one, but not really. I consider it more a mini dungeon in the vein of Gerudo Fortress or Ikana Castle. Ganon's Tower is nothing more than a boss rush followed up by a Lost Woods-esque maze that takes 5 minutes to finish

Ok, you have a point.

fuck you faggot no amount of basedjack posting will change the fact that botw is trash

I love how everyone shitted on Wind Waker back in the days because of childish cell shading, and now people praise it as a real Zelda.

Botw is babby Zelda for Skyrim homosexuals

>and now people praise it as a real Zelda.
Nobody denied it being a real Zelda. Being a good Zelda game on the other hand...

People mistook the anime style for being a cartoon.

People have been posting this shit all day.

>this is real zelda

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Pretty much this . I recently finished BotW and it was fantastic and it really felt like the first zelda. I also agree with this .

What's wrong with that? That part was kino.


Link between worlds was amazing and actually open world. I hope they make a huge open world top down zelda on switch

After playing it I can say that Breath of the wild is easily one of my favorite Zelda games with twilight princess, a link to the past, and four sword adventures

im retarded and to this day still have no idea what coveted means

Look it up in a dictionary, you fucking retard. Better yet, just google the damn thing. Fucking christ

And hey looks like BOTW2 is probably going to do just that.
BOTW is probably my least favorite 3D Zelda, but I'll let them try one more time with BOTW2 and see if they manage to make it all work.

You're not retarded for not knowing that word. You're retarded for never looking it up after years of knowing that you don't know.

Having no dungeons in botw was my only let down in the game

That and the fact that the game feels sterile.

> How would you get the series back to its roots?
Don't really care about the perspective, top-down or 3D is fine, game should have a decent number of dungeons (i.e. 8+) and there should be some degree of choice with which dungeons to do in order, it'd be better honestly to have a very large number of dungeons with the later ones offering upgrades to items from the earlier ones and having the later ones be more non-linear in the option of what order they're done in over the former. Also wouldn't mind some outright Dungeon-long puzzles like that of SS's Sandship and Sky Keep, although that doesn't mean you can skimp out on room to room puzzles either.

As for combat, I mean it really comes down to the game, top-down's basically set in stone but for 3D, like I wanna say SS's cause when that shit worked it was easily the best combat the series ever had but at the same time it was inconsistent in its quality far more than any other game. I guess an option to have motion controls vs. traditional inputs would probably work, D-Pad could probably be used with regards to directional strikes. It's honestly hard to say, like anything that's not OoT/MM's combat is honestly fine, I like the simplicity of WW but I also like the variety of TP, BotW's works well for being a different take on simplicity, I don't think I'd be able to really settle on which one is overall the best.

Story's just dependent on the tone they wanna go for, although it should be more involved than what BotW was, I think if you scrapped aside the pointless dialogue with Fi, SS's is probably about right, WW was a bit too hands-off at times, TP lays it on a bit too much.

Honestly the roots (Zelda 1) aren't the greatest point to be trying to return to, ALttP is where the series' stride I think really comes in.

game felt great to me