>b-but it’s missing content!
Still a solid 9/10
B-but it’s missing content!
best claire face mod?
Cringe nigger.
I want to know this too
RE2make is alright but Claire's fucked-up mongoloid face REALLY bothers me.
I have a solid 9 for ya, fuccboi.
I don't think anyone believes REmake 2 is a bad game by a any stretch. It just didn't completely eclipse the original.
Would have sold more if our customer didn't botch the implementation.
It kinda did because those cut spiders do literally nothing while you run past them. Their absence is about equivalent to a missing bump-mapped wall texture.
it's 6/10 AT BEST.
Meaning it's quite crap most of the time.
No, it's trash. And I honestly hate it.
I'd say it's an 8 out of 10. A fantastic game mared not so much by missing content, but rather by the four campaigns being extremely similar to each other. The original PS1 game recycled its own assets, sure, but this one was just ridiculous about it. Furthermore, it really needed a more substantial post-game mode, like Extreme Battle Mode that was also missing. 4th Survivor is awesome, and the Ghost Survivors are okay, but that's not enough, especially when the LeonA/B and ClaireA/B scenarios are so botched. Not to mention re-fighting every single boss in each scenario, save for the finale. It's still an incredibly good game though and highly recommended.
RE3 Remake, on the other hand, can fuck off. You wanna talk about missing content? Holy fucking shit. Downtown/Uptown made up about half of the original game, and this time it barely makes up a quarter. Not to mention how linear the game is overall. Even if the OG RE3 was more linear than the previous two games, it didn't take it as far as RE3 Remake did. What a fucking embarrassment, especially coming off of how good RE2 Remake turned out.
it's ok to like REmake 2
Why does this looks so weird? All the little white flakes on the ground move as she breathes, it kind of makes me sick.
Do you think RE3 being so mediocre will lead Capcom to just make RE8?
>Download the Fitgirl repack because fuck paying for videogames
>Comes with unlimited ammo weapons
>Try the minigun for a bit, shits on everything
>Go back to the gun with all the ammo I collected
>Try killing a zombie with it
>Had to get 10 headshots until the zombie went down, only for it to get back up again inmediatly.
I like the game so far, but the bulletsponge zombies make the game from a solid 8/10 to a 7/10
Definitely would be nice if there was something in between hardcore and standard. decided to play on standard for my Claire play through and it is ridiculously easier than Leon’s on Hardcore. But I hear Leon’s is harder anyways.
Honestly, I think RE3 Remake was a result of Capcom taking advantage of everyone's expectations. Capcom has been hitting quite a few home runs, both commercially and critically, with RE7, MonHun World, DMC5, and RE2 Remake. I guess they wanted to say how much they could get away with. Depending on the overall reception and success of RE3 Remake will determine if future games will be better or worse.
As for RE8, I originally thought they were going to make it first before RE3, and that it would've been one of those awkward pre-generation / next-generation games, like Metal Gear Solid 5 was. But then they released RE3 about a year after RE2, so I don't know what the fuck anymore. I really fucking hope Capcom isn't planning to make their games into yearly or bi-yearly releases.
I know it's shallow, but this is unironically the main thing putting me off of this game.
You're not meant to kill every zombie you see, or even spend much time on a single one. Give a few of them some headshots and you'll see them do some kind of stun animation. They'll either walk backwards a bit with their head looking upwards like they're dazed, or they'll look like their seizes up and look stunned. During this time, you can freely bump right into them with no worries, and you have a few seconds to easily run past them. That's how the game is designed to be played; use the absolute bare minimum ammo you can afford and don't focus on killing everything. It gets trickier on Hardcore and in areas with multiple zombies, but it's totally doable, along with defensive weapons as a back up if you mess up.
I kind of agree, but I also like the surge in difficulty spike from Standard to Hardcore. Hardcore is really fucking difficult, mainly in that zombies can take five or six shots before going into a stun animation, but it's totally doable. I think the defensive weapons in particular make a big difference, and I think it sucks ass that they got rid of them for RE3 Remake, and the dodge mechanic is a poor substitute due to how precises the dodge window is.
Can't really blame you. I don't mind Claire's face all that much, but I'd be dishonest if I said it was fine. Certain cutscenes make her face stand out really fucking badly.
I mean i can lie about stuff to to try and deride a game but i dont because im not a faggot
Damn straight my man. Best RE game imho.
RE engine is like this. It uses this mapping to hide low-res textures.
It actually did replace the original. Unless you're an autist.
proof that pirate niggers don't even like video games, glad you got that game out of your backlog faggot
What's a good nude mod for the two Revelations games?
Leon and Claire have uneven difficulty. Claire makes lickers a joke with flame rounds, but has a shittier pistol for basic needs and a harder final boss and way trickier B-scenario final boss on hardcore, where she can run out of minigun and be in trouble. Leon just hangs out with Tyrant in his deadzone until it's time to win and then gets to use the rest of the rockets on G-5.
I actually think Claire's pistol is nearly equivalent to Leon's once you get the speed loader upgrade, although I found the .45 ammo for both to suck ass. I agree with the Minigun though; if you mess up that fight and run out of ammo then there's not a whole lot you can do.
They should have done away with the A/B routes and just done two separate stories for Leon and Claire that complemented each other.
Claire's B-scenario handgun is actually obscene, you just hold it down and it unloads into a boss. That was the only reason I survived G5 after the minigun ran out.
Geez user you could have just said that and we would understand...dumbass
It's a 7/10 at best with the complete fuck up of the A/B scenarios, lack of zapping system, and missing content.
It's mediocre at best. Shooting zombies is fun and the RPD has decent atmosphere, that's about it, outside of this the game is average.
>yearly or bi-yearly releases.
too late soon by the rumors they already doing it.
Maybe when the next gen consoles finally drops they give a stop to figure it out but i doubt.
Agreed. If the A/B routes are going to be so similar across the board, then they should've just made Leon/Claire and that's it. Also, just lock giant eyeball Birkin behind the Hardcore difficulty, so it's still something I have to unlock to see. I actually would've liked the game better in that way. I mean, ideally, they should've made A/B more differentiated, but failing that they should've made two, really good scenarios and left it at that.
I forgot about that, actually. I never used it that way but a buddy showed me it and I couldn't believe it.
I treat rumors like I treat the shit in my ass; ignored until something actually comes out.
It does a good job of bringing a Resident Evil 2 to the modern era without replacing the original but it doesn't do so perfectly by any stretch of the imagination. Still way better then REmake 3
just beat it. couldnt be bothered to do a 2nd run when it barely changes anything. is far cry 5 worth playing?
>spiders in a remake would have the same ai and agility as the ones in the original
>copy and pasting what was a one time unique boss fight to be the most boring enemy in the entire series was a worthy substitue
Cringe and brainwashedpilled.