Thoughts on the iphone apps?

Thoughts on the iphone apps?

Attached: runes.jpg (540x400, 18.48K)

Wouldn't it have been cool if there had been a controller shaped like the Sheikah Slate with a touch screen that you could use to switch between the runes? It's a shame Nintendo never had a console with a controller like that.

>Nintendo cut BOTW’s touchscreen gameplay so the switch version wouldn’t be inferior
I wish the Wii U actually sold well

i never realized how obvious it is that BOTW was primarily developed for the Wii U

How is it not? Link literally looks theough the Sheikah slate like a gamepad. The game was going to heavily involve looking at the gamepad but the devs thought it was too intrusive so they cut it. And then when they decided they were going to port the game to Switch they removed it entirely.

i agree with you. i'm saying i never noticed that. but it makes perfect sense.

Good. While that stuff may have been cool, fuck their gimmick shit.

They all generally get good usage throughout the shrines, with the exception of cryonis. Naturally, only being able to use it on bodies of water gives it limited use. Maybe you could have used them on chuchus as well or something.

Wasn't one of the original planned mechanics to allow you to draw the path your horse would follow on the gamepad? It's a feature I would have liked to have in most open-world games I've played.

Tried using the magnesis app to hit that fucking dog always barking at midnight. Was harder to control than expected but managed eventually.
Four stars.

I'm half Arabian so I love the idea of having two bomb apps on my phone.

Cryonis was useless outside of shrines, and having two bombs was retarded.

Stasis and Magnesis are pretty solid, Bombs is very versatile, Cryonis definitely feels like the black sheep though cause its utility is really hampered.

I hope with BotW they either drop Cryonis or give it a wider function, like maybe just pure temperature alteration that way you can mix heating and cooling together. Also like four more runes would be neat, I wouldn't even care if some of them are just repurposed items from previous games, the limitation on options for puzzles in BotW due to the small roster of items I think dampened some the experience for me.

>Cryonis was useless outside of shrines
The fuck am I reading?

Give me more of them, i don't care if they give me them at the start ALBW did that shit too but have more of them for god's sake

Seeing as regulating your temperature based on your clothing was a big part of BotW and fire lets you create updrafts (which gives you OP bullet-time shooting), it seems unlikely that they'll give you a power that can directly control temperature.

Just give ice arrows cryonis attributes like in majora's mask

No fucking map on wii u gamepad killed me man

What the fuck did you use it for? Crossing rivers? It was useless, dude.


Should've been spaced out around the map instead of all in the tutorial area.

would've been nice if the fully upgraded climber gear would have let you climb in the rain without slipping every two seconds

I’ve used it to scale waterfalls that you can’t swim up

statis was useless outside dungeons and koroks

and it lost that use once you got the Zora pants

So the only use you had for it could be replaced by moving five feet to the side and climbing up the wall?


>that you can’t swim up.
There’s waterfalls you can’t use the Zora suit on.
Some of the waterfalls are so high you’d need 2-3 stamina bars to climb the cliff
Quit being intentionally retarded

I was kinda disappointed when I realised that these were all I was going to get, and that I got them for doing basically nothing.

the loli supposedly upgraded my bombs but I never noticed a difference

Would BotW have been improved if you only got one rune & the paraglider on the Great Plateau and you got a different rune at each Divine Beast instead?

Stamina food is free and available everywhere. If you are climbing something that tall then there is no way that climbing using ice blocks is faster than making some stamina food and pausing the menu a few times.

They recharged faster.

No. The runes are fine but they shouldn't have been all there was. Having a tool in each DB that unlocked new nonessential abilities would have been ideal. The hookshot is the obvious example as it would make open world traversal easier but would not just open up new areas.

>There’s waterfalls you can’t use the Zora suit on.
Really? Which ones?

I really didn't care for them. I know that, apparently, a lot of people get a ton of mileage out of them, but I fail to see anything interesting to do with them. Sure, they're great for solving puzzles, but not much else. In some ways I feel as though certain aspects of the game were kept mediocre as a way to encourage players to use them more (We'll make swimming the worst experience this game has to offer so they'll have to use the ice pillars).

TLDR: Keep them and give me more situations where I can use them and while you're at it give me some real puzzles.