How would you feel if this girl said this to you, user?
How would you feel if this girl said this to you, user?
No thanks, nice tits though
Does she take plastic?
*insert dick in the cleavage*
I prefer earnest gold-diggers over scheming two-faced cunts desu.
I'd fucking rape that bitch. is she doesn't want to settle down and let her man take of the bills she has to actually work
this desu
Why? Are you into findom?
Yeah. I'm attracted to people who know what they want and are clear and honest about it. Mature human beings. If I can really make a girl like that happy just by bringing home enough money, why do I care that she's only in it for the money? It's way better than someone with nebulous wants and desires and you can never tell if you're stepping on a land mine and they're constantly waffling about how serious they'd like to be.
No because I don't listen to prostitutes
She's not a prostitute! She's just a playful high school senior at a school Halloween party having fun.
I'd tell her to fuck off
I would comply, then ask her how much to motorboat them titties
I'd feel like she'd be okay with me getting my money's worth.
The problem is that girls can take the money and then leave you. If they were loyal than I wouldn't mind a gold digger
I am into anime findom, that's very different.
Well presumably a gold-digger is going to stay a gold-digger in the future. They'll still need money. This is part of the "girl who knows what she wants" thing, she doesn't just randomly change her motivations and desires.
The only case where they'd leave you is if they found someone with more money, but that's fine. I don't like gold diggers because I can actually afford one, I like them because of their personalities. They'll eventually find a rich enough guy and, presumably, settle down with them. It's nice. I feel like if they take your money and run, that's not a gold-digger. That's just a sociopath.
There's only one way to have a woman remain loyal to you: be Chad. Women are hard-wired to love Chad and only Chad. A sad truth, but one we all need to accept.
>stick a hand with the bill in, cop a feel, then pull the money back out
What if she gets mad though?
>That's just a sociopath.
So a woman then.
I'd tell her to fuck off and go back to yiffalicious and wild life.
Sanoba Witch
Oh. That changes the context a little bit.
Frankly, the only thing that makes me happy is giving others the happiness they deserve. Does that make me a bad person?
Even chads get cheated on
women are pure evil
>Cheating a Chad
Now that ain't right.
i will think about you while fapping user, ty
I'd blow my nose in a dirty $1 and shove it right between that cows melons.
Yen? We only carry pesos here.