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Killing floor 2 ruined the series
Fuck Tripware
don't mind me...
his KF 2.5 design was the best.
>turn the whole game into a rush and kill
>map are 2x smaller than the old map
>no more camping
>no more solo kiting
>shit balance
The flavor of KF2 is significantly different than KF. The mechanics are fine, but the grindhouse aesthetic of the original game isn't there anymore for example.
atmosphere of the maps is gone
>maps look relatively clean in comparison compared to how grimy the old maps were
>maps are much more compact
>less ambient audio
>numetal soundtrack instead of heavy guitar use during waves and atmospheric tracks between waves
DLC weapons
what the fuck is that thing on his arm?
>>no more solo kiting
I miss this the most. Now it feels like i gotta play the way other people want to play and watch them kill shit in their corridor while my corridor has nothing.
Probably really sucks for berzerkers when they cant even reach an enemy before they're all dead.
Miss the days of being last squadmate alive in KF1 and everyones hoping you make it.
Unless you played demo. Fuck demo. No aim, no skill, noobtubing, kill stealing, faggots.
Buy a bunch of C4 and delete the bosses in one clacker click. Fuckin fun sucking fucks.
someone set up a server.
>pre nerf sharp shooter
Shit was great. 1 shotting Scrakes with the crossbow and then selling it and rebuying it to get full ammo for 100 bucks was fun. Killing Floor could never get final tier weapons right. The final tier sniper costs way too much and was too heavy. Only the AA12 felt like a proper final tier weapon.
>that faggot who only picked medic for its high durability and didn't care about healing other players
You know who you are.
Remember when they said that they would never ever add dlc weapons
>that faggot with almost no kills
>would say shit like "I'm not focusing on trash mobs like you are"
>if you outkilled them as a sharp shooter, they would say you are playing SS wrong
Shit would always make me laugh.
Suck my dick Ralph, i know when you fuck up big time as SS and get the whole team killed so i run away from there and carry the round once everyone starts dying together.
>that chad FP at the back cutting of that virgin crawler
>Play as medic role so no bonus damage
>sharpshooter and commando players are constantly bitching that im getting too many kills and that medics "shouldn't focus on killing"
>start getting votekicked for killing too much
>rage the FP's before they kick me
What is the best zed variant and why is it the Monkey Scrake?
Gingerbread Gorefast is also an acceptable answer.
steampunk husk
Also, in most cases KF2 animations fucking sucks.
Just look at 9:13, this is especially fucking horrible.
i legit don't see what the problem is outside them being wobbly(which makes some sense seeing that 2 is mocapped iirc).
>shell injection from hip-fire(this is just holy shit, same shit with MP5)
>wobbly as you mentioned
>too fast in some places
>when firing too fast, animation breaks and starts over again
>his KF 2.5
Wait what
Judging from 2008 on pic, it's means first KF.
Because first KF was running on modded Unreal 2 which technically is Unreal 2.5