7 days until they give us this for free.
So... is it good?
Total War Thread
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Yes but M2 is better
Nah fall of the samurai it's the peak of total war.
I literally cant play anything but warhammer or attila now
older stuff just dated so much
still havnt try 3k yet but maybe when its finally on sales
Includes expansions? Base game is whatever
Your enjoyment of Total War games tends to depend widely on your preference of setting, but generally speaking Shogun 2 (and particularly, Fall of the Samurai expansion) is the most solid one in the series, although Medieval 2 has the best total conversion mods.
>7 days until they give us this for free.
U w0t?
which total war the best siege?
>play warhammer total war 2
>all my units forget their orders
>clunky movement
>siege it's boring as fuck
>spears can't stop calvary charges
What a shitty game.
If you want more Japanese-era wargaming, you should also try Sengoku Jidai
Not that one, that's for sure.
You'll still have to pay for blood, poorfag
Free where?
Epic games of course.
How much time before the EGS drives Steam out of business?
I give it a couple years; three at the very most.
Steam actually. In a week or so.
It's a broken mess, might as well play rome 1 at that point.
It really isn't
the only good total war game
Everyone says M2 is better but I find the AI way too easy, otherwise it would be
Second best TW game after Three Kingdoms.
Horrifying taste.
Ah, a man of exquisite taste
total war was never good and CA has played you faggots like a fiddle for years with their garbage AI and dlc practices
what the fuck
I would say Fall of the Samurai. Its greatest issue is ability to cheese sieges simply by blasting the defenders with artillery, but that's hardly worse than AI units literally getting stuck in Rome/Medieval 2, even player units doing the same in Empire, or the poor excuse of sieges that you see in Warhammer. Other than that, it's mostly functional (for a given definition of functional) and I actually like how the multi-tiered defenses work in terms of acquiring and reinforcing footholds within the fort. Plus, while it is cheesy, blasting the defenders with artillery or naval bombardments is cool as fuck. Attila is pretty good, too, although I think it's a weaker game in general.
how do bats taste like?
>So... is it good?
it's about the best Total War game to be honest.
Good combination of nice modern graphics, clean minimalist UI and the campaign map being clean and clutterfree.
Playing Warhammer or any of the new ones after playing Shogun 2 feels like pic related.
Medieval 2 is prob the only TW game that can compete with Shogun 2.
It's very flavourful but ancient by this point. Shitty unit balance, shit UI, can't even run at full graphical settings, regardless of hardware, because the engine is so shitty.
It's ok but you'd be better served by warhammer if you like watching toy men fight or 3K if you like strategy games.
Is there any way to mod the newer TW games to be more like the older ones in regards the general recruitment system?
I fucking hate being tied to the generals.
Gotta keep up with the times grandpa!
>3K if you like having a game that's unplayable due to horrendous UI
Yes, but the way everybody turns against you after you capture an especific number of provincies is extremely retard.
It seams everybody forget how badly they were killing each other and, all of sudden, became best friends and join in an aliance to kill you.
The first time it happened i didnt understand a fuck
have they fixed the tiny and retarded siege maps in Warhammer 2? I know there's map mods that makes it massive.
Doesn't matter how big or small the maps are; siege UI is fundamentally flawed when the AI will happily place its men on top of or behind the walls to get slaughtered by artillery or magic.
Why its free?
What why?
> shit UI
What? I think Shogun 2 has the most efficient UI/gameplay flow out of Total War games. There are some nice additions to more recent games (the map you open with tab, I think it was called strategic view, being one) but I think the benefits of this are lost in the main map being more cluttered, and Shogun 2 has alternative ways of doing things that work fine.
What do you mean by free, and how?
It's one of those "add game to your library during a certain time span and keep it forever" kind of deals.
April 27
Yes but where? steam? epic? Aint read shit about it.
So those that say keep are forever?
Should one aim for those? Never knew steam gave free games, and I joined steam in 2011