3x3 thread continued!
Post your favorites and we'll judge, starting mine
3x3 thread continued!
That is so horrible that I cannot even fathom how horrible it is
The fuck is wrong with you
i thought i lost this image
This is the worst chart I've ever seen.
>not blood money
its coming out just wait guys
Where is Yandere Simulator?
The last one had some really nice discussion but just died a bit ago. I guess if this one stays active it's fine though. Discussion is discussion. Playing Sengoku 3 and loving it.
Ball in Cup is shit and boring, Paddleball takes more skill and is more engaging.
1/3 (+Doom -Sinnoh -Minecraft)
2/2 (Spider-Man, Sly 2)
4/4 (Duelist of the Roses, Chex Quest, BT3, BFII); cool picks, I like you.
3/3 (Starcraft, DMC5, DXHR)
2/2 (Thief, DMC5); Hexen soon. Taking a break from Doom Engine games after beating Heretic though.
I think you'll love Project Phoenix.
Minecraft is good.
Not even ironically.
Too obvious
Besides 16 game is literally blood money 2 minus some stuff.
>asks for r8s but does not r8
I have played three of the games on your chart.
>having more than one entry of a franchise in your 3x3
I don't believe in doing that unless they're so similar in quality that a choice isn't possible. That's why I put both Afterburners together, they have the same basic gameplay but take them on in different, equally-fantastic ways to the point that I just can't decide.
Every body always mentions Custard's Revenge, nobody ever mentions the superior BeatEm and EatEm.
I learned while making it that I need to find new favorites
Mental illness: the image.
The weakness/strengths in both Thief I/II and DOS I/II compensate each other. I guess I could make a new chart though. Rain World and God Hand would probably replace the redundant game picks.
Beat Doom Eternal on Nightmare and Ori Will of the Wisps recently, they were alright.
2/3 +RE4, SoTC -DeS
4/4 +Hexen, DX, SoC, Blood
4/5 +MC, Plat, HCE, Doom -Crysis. Played Dead Space for an hour but never continued it.
3/3 +MHW, W101, Afterburner. Need to give dragons Dogma another chance, game plays well with keyboard mouse with archer but navigating menus sucks.
SotC isn't on my 3x3...
+Ico, whoops
Dragon's Dogma is a game I'd definitely recommend toughing it out for, at least for a little while. In my experience it's a game that needs to click, but when it clicks you really love it. The non-archer classes play great with controller, for future reference, but you're fine as-is if you can deal with the menus since Yellow vocations (Strider/Ranger/Assassin/Magick Archer) are easily the strongest in the game. Don't be afraid to level the other vocations though, you get Augments you can leave on at any time regardless of your active vocation. Leveling Warrior for example gives you an Augment that increases your carrying capacity, very useful.
>Want to replay dragon's dogma
>Remember the intro and the walk to Gran Soren
Kill me. Is there a mod to skip this shit?
Just hit the ox to make it run and have a Mage pawn heal it so you don't kill it. Even without that strat it's not even 2 hours to Gran Soren if you don't do any side stuff.
9/9 gr8 b8 m8