>No new DMC announcements after 5's launch
>Bayonetta 3 is radio silent
>Ninja Gaiden is fucking dead
Help, there's no new Action games to play!
>No new DMC announcements after 5's launch
>Bayonetta 3 is radio silent
>Ninja Gaiden is fucking dead
Help, there's no new Action games to play!
they're called beat'em ups
Sekiro is better than all that trash anyway
Why do you need constant fucking word from the developers? Kill yourself retard. DMC5 just released. You don't need a new game tease immediately. Good things take time. It's almost like you want these to be commodified into CoD tier garbage that releases once/twice yearly. Fuck yourself.
dmc 5 was dull grey moon gravity sandbag garbage
They're called character action games you retards
Astral Chain if you have a Switch
Bleeding Edge is an action game mixed with a MOBA, but you need Game Pass i think
Yeah well, your favourite game is poop.
>It's almost like you want these to be commodified into CoD tier garbage that releases once/twice yearly.
Yes. I envy Yakuza fans who get a steady supply of their stupid japanese soap opera asset flip
>still seething
Speaking of DMC, wasn't that Netflix series supposed to come out this year?
>no new action games to play!
But the GOTY action game just released a month ago.
I've already put 200 hours into it.
The combat is god-tier.
W101 is getting the re-release soon, which should hopefully expose a lot more people to how fun it is to play.
pick up a fighting game you're bored by a lack of new action games.
Then get a lobotomy and you'll be able to enjoy the same game over and over with zero changes. I'll be over here with functional brain matter enjoying a solid, vibrant new game every 5-10 years.
Zoomer trash like you should be executed on the streets with those subhuman attention deficit genetics.
>Stat-focused looter garbage
Into the trash it goes!
Who cares? Been emulating Onimusha 2 and plan on playing Shinobi while I wait for shipping prices to go back to normal so I can replay NGB on an Xbox without paying $50 in shipping.
Try Judgement, man. Has the best combat system so far and it's a completely new entry without connection to previous titles.
W101 comes out next month. Don't lie, I know for a fact 95% of this thread hasn't played it.
Actually, this is an oddity for the action genre. 6th gen as back to back amazing titles across all consoles, 7th gen was kind of the same but some IPs burned out like Ninja Gaiden towards the end, or had unfortunate detours like DMC.
This, W101 is coming in August, and it seems Godfall will also be an action game, though how much of it is action and how much is it looting shit we've yet to see
DMC takes its time, Platinum fucking sucks now, and Ninja Gaiden was always too hardcore for mainstream audiences. Even the NES titles.
Ninja Gaiden was already an outlier at its release for its difficulty. By 2008 NG2 was already considered a final hurrah for a dead style of game as we moved to the age of cinematic over the shoulder action games.
Niohs RPG mechanics are easily its weakest link
Ninja Theory have expressed interest in NG, so hopefully after Nioh 2 is done with.
DMC5 had a lot of positive reception and sold very well, Capcom can't ignore that.
Platinum is doing a bunch of things and Bayo 3 is still on the way.
I admit I want some kind of announcement for DMC whether it be 5SE or just that 6 will happen. Corona might slow things down for some of these.
big franchise like devil may cry are not fast food franchise like call of duty or maiden 20XX or awful EA sequel shit.
Still better than Sekiro, but neither is really relevant here.
They're called hack 'n slash, you uncultured swines.
but dmc2 is shit and dmc4 is unfinished
DMC2 lacked good direction and DMC4 scrambled to re-include Dante last minute.
The whole idea behind the RE engine was that it would allow Capcom to make games way faster.
they're called devilnetta crys, you heathens
expect a 5:SE announcement when the new consoles come out
Looking at the latest season of Castlevania I'm fucking terrified for it
I hope you owned a WiiU and played W101 to death or else you're dead wrong because the best game of 2013 is about to come back better than ever.
Also that Samurai Jack game by ex-Team Ninja guys is coming this Summer too. I don't expect to break new ground but it's the right people on the right license.
ACTHUALLY, it's Devilgaidens
Unlikely since the DMC5 team is working with RE team for RE4 Remaster
DD2 will come first, 5SE will be announced after, for the new console gen.
source: dude trust me, also common sense
>Ninja Theory have expressed interest in NG
god no, fuck no. a Team Ninja NG without cookieface would be bad enough, no need to revisit a dead franchise just to fuck over its' fans one last time
Well they'd probably have a different team work on a SE anyway (which was the case for 4SE was it not?)
yeah but 4SE was made like 7 years later.
If they're doing 5SE it's almost certainly being made by the DMC5 team minus Itsuno right now while Itsuno is working on DD2. DMC5SE would likely just add Vergil, costumes, LDK mode (because current gen can't handle LDK in the RE Engine), maybe Trish & Lady to boot. DD2 is a new game entirely and likely to get the scope Itsuno wanted from the first game so it'll take some years. Even if he got a headstart around the time DMC5 was going gold I don't expect DD2 to launch until holiday 2021 at the EARLIEST.
>Unlikely since the DMC5 team is working with RE team for RE4 Remaster
I keep seeing people posting that but no one posts a source for this claim