You can only choose one

>You can only choose one
Which one Yas Forums?

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bet on the strong horse

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yes man because I'm not a cuck

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Only one rule to remember if you want to play in Vegas: Never bet against the House.

NCR literally has the best endings for everyone involved. The only downside is that it rewards the NCR's retard imperialist administration instead of punishing them.

But I care about the Mojave, and in the best NCR ending the Mojave becomes one of the greatest regions of the Wasteland

>Boomers open up and become a powerful trading house with a "healthy relationship" towards the NCR caravans
>Freeside in conjunction with the Followers, the Kings and the NCR becomes a massive humanitarian hub with a fully funded and supported relief effort for the people
>The Mojave Brotherhood recieve their only good ending, where they stop being isolationist tech-raiders and become protectors of the Vegas highways instead of NCR soldiers, as well as actually negotiating a peace treaty, securing their future unlike the Western chapters
>Places like Freeside, Primm and Novac still maintain independence whilst benefiting from a booming economy, civilized infrastructure and protected roads
>All the best endings for the companions are primarily achievable through NCR
>New California itself recieves a flush of fresh water and electricity whilst the Mojave recieves its share
>The Courier gets to wander as a free man, caring for the Big Empty and travelling about instead of being an eternal soldier or shouldering the responsibility of running an anarchic city-state.

Denying this is pure delusion

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In reality I would fuck up New Vegas if I was in control so Yes man is out. Cesar and NCR are both shit, NCR is incompetent and lacks man power while the legion is a bunch of savages and slavers, probably closet faggots too.

where's the option to to side with elijah and obliterate the entire mojave with the cloud??

>mfw reading the Van Buren design documents and realizing that the villain of the original Fallout 3 was literally Elijah+Ulysses

I like what they did with the Van Buren ideas a lot better in Vegas than what they were going to do with them in the OG itself, but still it's neat.

If only. Ulysess is one of the worst characters in the series.

>not realizing that he is controlling you and you are just a puppet put in charge to take the fall if anything fails.

Correct answer

nice headcanon mate, do you have a link to your account?

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The nuking the NCR was literally the BBEG plot in Van Buren, the nuclear system was literally called ODYSSEUS

Absolutely based

The one that swallowed the Ted-pill.

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It's good for the NCR short term, because it forces them to close rank and stop over-extending, and fix problems at home. And it's good for humanity as a whole for the progress House will bring back.

NCR needs to keep their hands off what isn't theirs.


I usually let Ulysses nuke the Long 15 anyway because the Scorched Sierra Power Armor is the sickest shit

Based House of course. I don't care about leading the wastelands and it was all his plan to begin with. I don't trust the other factions who didn't really have a vision themselves.

The Yes Man ending is 90% headcanon anyway. It's shocking how many people think you're King Big Dick of the Mojave and not just an agent of chaos making the NCR and Legion fuck off and leaving everyone to their own devices.

House is leading humanity down the same path that lead to nuclear war.
It's not about ideology or the type of political system that society chooses to use. Obsession with technological growth and profit is what leads to the stripping of human dignity, freedom, and global conflicts over dwindling resources that become higher in demand as technology improves.

It has constantly bothered me how much better and more sensical Lonesome Road would be as a story if Ulysses was trying to nuke the Mojave instead.

Legion but not for the typical reason
forceful, rapid expansion and then autistic authoritarianism under the courier who is arguably a better potential leader then caesar would allow the blending of the extremely mosaic wasteland culture into a more monolithic culture, even if only partially
even if the legion blows up there would be a unified set of traditions and some infrastructure* left that would enable a more stable future unification by another conquering power
so while it might fuck the region temporarily completely it would be better in the long-term, as the region would be more of a singular entity going into the future making it less easily conquered by outsiders
*very loosely used here, more like supply and trade routes

Legion because they have the strongest leader and the best voice

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yes man desu

0-4, Energy Weapons playthrough.
5-9, Grug melee playthrough.

House, has a good plan, the means to make it happen and is so based thatn Obsidian had to throw a shit test on him by making him hate the brotherhood of steel.

>forceful, rapid expansion and then autistic authoritarianism under the courier
Courier never even joins the Legion though, maybe if it were expanded on Six could've been the Augustus to Caesar but as it stands they're stuck with Lanius
>there would be a unified set of traditions and some infrastructure
Legion has no culture outside a Rome LARP though, it's just a warlord state

Would he have joined the bortherhood?

House is based but his ending is pretty cold.

>Mojave Brotherhood killed to the last
>Kings killed to the last
>Vegas becomes "despotic"
>House sends Securitrons to creepily monitor and control people towns in the Wasteland
>Followers fate unknown but likely similar to the Independent ending

Legion is completely retarded, making enemies out of everyone is going to get you ganged up and killed.
The NCR may be a bunch of cunts but they are the only ones that actually are trying, House will just bring war again and yes man is every man for himself

House technically doesn't care about the money outside it being a means to an ends for progress. He obviously has no way to enjoy said wealth anyways, outside of his visions for humanity coming to fruition. He even convinced warring tribes to drop their crazy and work together.

Canon speaking, him dying is a huge blow to humanity if you kill him. This very much implies he's a force for good.

NCR has a corrupt bureaucracy at home, and is on it's way to repeating the same political mistakes as the old world. The expansionism of theirs is their only way to divert attention from corrupt power holders. Perhaps with the failure at the dam, the people of the NCR will start questioning their leadership more.