Anything that has a Nintendo Logo, and is garbage can go on this thread. I will start with one, I am not into Paper Mario that much, but this game is not just mediocre, its a terrible, watered-down RPG.
Worst Games Nintendo Has Ever Made
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Every MP after 8 could go there, and even 8 isn't that great but its decent enough. Maybe on a good day, Super could also escape being considered bad, but it's pretty meh. 9, 10, Island Tour, Star Rush & Top 100 are all shit, but 10 probably takes the cake.
Sticker Stars had this amazing song in it.
So its not trash.
SS was interesting. It felt like they were trying to make an RPG which broke every single rule of what makes a game an RPG.
Massive waste of time and resources, and the open world meme at its worst if not for the great physics engine.
Wii Music.
>Chuggaaconroy is going to take part in a five-hour stream about the game to trash it
That alone will make its existence worthwhile.
That's not garbage though
I just restarted it in Master Mode this past weekend and I am enjoying it as much as the first time I played 3 years ago. BOTW is fun af
why would you talk trash about an unpopular game for five hours?
>no Dark Souls
Tin can audio or not, having portable souls was half the reason I bought this thing. Everything about it is inferior to the pc version but for some reason its so fucking comfy to play on switch. DS3 when
sticker star is definitely the worst of the paper mario series, but at the worst it was just meh. Played through it, enjoyed it here and there, but don't care to ever go back to it. Color splash was a little better, but not by much.
Both games were weighed down by combat revolving around 'consumable' attacks, be it stickers or cards. Not fun. Color splash at least made it easy to replenish your stock in the field with after-battle rewards. Sticker star...pretty sure I was constantly backtracking to refill my arsenal.
Sounds exactly like something he'd do.
chugga has acquired autism
almost everything that they released in 2015 could qualify
what about the people who are gonna watch it?
True, but let me exempt this tragically underrated kino from it.
what was wrong with this game?
abysmal marketing
agreed but
>posted the version with sound effects
the game had a load of fucking great music. I love dynamic map music, so charming, among others.
Anecdotal evidence, but all my friends ignored it due to the graphics being perceived as unappealing, even though it actually looks really good in motion on a 3DS. I'm fully convinced its fortunes would've been very different if it was anime.
I posted the one with the sound effects because they fucking enhance the song, it sounds so empty now without the drums.
>saw it on the bargain bin for less then 10 bucks
>oh shit what a steal
>buy it, play for 15 minutes and never touch it again
what a massive dump on the paper mario franchise
>watching Chugga in the first place
Kinda speaks for itself.
>t. someone who watches the guy
alright I respect it, but I think it sounds like shit. also, sorrow on the waves is good, as well as what plays as you encounter boss before the battle. just a memorable area overall.
*the boss
>played Canvas Curse a lot
>couldn't get into this
I couldn't figure out why. The clay aesthetic is god tier, though.